First, I’m new here.
2nd, I’m not sure anyone will be interested because I think most carers go through what I am.
3rd, I feel like I should be able to cope easily and yet, I am struggling. I think I’m burning out a bit.
My husband is 10 years older than I am. He has T2D and had his right leg amputted above the knee in Jan 2023. He was in and out of hospital and suffered a lot of trauma over the course of 8-9 months. He contracted Covid in one hospital before being moved to another for rehab but because he had Covid and a G3 bedsore, they couldn’t rehab him. Then they dropped him from a hoist into a commode on his amputated leg. Once they got him back and settled they sent him to a nursing home (for people with dementia) so they could heal the bedsore. They failed to do that but dropped him twice from a hoist during transfer to an ambulance because he had a UTI they couldn’t treat. He went back to the acute care hospital and once they treated the UTI (which was resistant), they were going to send him back to the nursing home with the bedsore still not healed. He refused, I refused and they sent him home once I got the hospital bed in place and had what was necessary to receive him. He was, as you can imagine, not himself. I was given the task of healing the G3 bedsore (which I did with the assistance of District Nurses). Then he started having seizures so he had to go back into hospital where they put him on seizure medication without actually checking first to see if it was epilepsy or not. It wasn’t. It took me 3 months to get him off a medication that they started in less than 48 hours. He was having PNES (psychogenic nonepileptic seizures).
Now, I’m dealing with bowel issues which are not cancer (we checked). I suspect they are a result of trauma being processed through his body.
Anyway, it’s been quite some time since I started caring for him. Yes, we had carers coming up to 4 times a day at one point but the stress and disruption was just too much (the care company was not helpful). Now, we are down to one carer one time a day and it has alleviated a lot of the stress and disruption. However, it is exhausting dealing with everything 24/7.
He has, on now 4 occasions, threatened to hurt me… physically. He will act as if he is going to hit me, head butt me, or strike me with his elbow. I know he feels frustrated and trapped. I do, too.
I am irritable and snappy on most occasions because it feels as if he just wants me to do everything from all that I have to do to telling him what he needs to do next. We’ve been going through the routine of care for nearly two years now and it seems like he has no idea what the routine is.
We have an overhead hoist and try to get him in his wheelchair at least 3 times a week. Unfortunately, with his bowels being problematic, it isn’t always possible. It seems like things improve and when I think all is well, we have bowel issues once more. It’s seems like one step forward and six steps back.
I know it might seem like I’m moaning and complaining. I feel invisible, unseen, uncared for, and frankly, fed up. I know a lot of you do, too.
I keep telling myself that this is temporary and things will improve. I’m just not sure I believe it right now.
Thanks for reading (if you got this far). Thanks for letting me release this. All my best!
PS. It would seem I’ve told you nothing about me. I’m 63 and disabled. I have a rare degenerative genetic disease that is slowly taking away the use of my hands and feet (Charcot Marie Tooth disease type 1a). I am still walking (though they don’t know how). I can type but not for long. I find writing with a pen difficult. I lost two of my sisters in less than a year recently (I am the youngest of five–now three). My children (grown) and grandchildren are in the USA… I am an American/British person. I am trying to support myself as it would appear that pensioners and disabled people are going to beblasted by this government in the future. To that end, I have a TV show premiering on 16 Jan and am doing more things online. I left the NHS as a senior manager over 10 years ago due to my disability. I hope that helps you get a clearer picture of who I am and what I’m doing.