I’ve never taken an actual holiday.
As for respite, caree going to an respite venue for a break is no longer an option, as the last one within a reasonable distance (travelling long distance is dodgy for main caree) was closed following a shortfall in funding years back.
They can’t go long distance without someone close to them, so what would happen is we would make the 200 ish mile round trip to the venue, I would actually stay on-site (there was a relatives quarter on the first floor, always empty as most visitors were severely disabled but not dependant on family) in case of emergency.
You lose a day of the trip just checking in, because you would be having meetings with the palliative team situated nearby on top of going through medication and all manner of procedures (was a unit for people with very unique needs)
Though there was a limit on how regularly you could use that particular venue because it was a specialist unit, being for children and young adults with complex needs including end of life/palliative care demand was through the roof and you could not block book the stays (like use all of the allocation in one go).
Also having respite at home is not as straight forward as it sounds, because there are other persons with care needs here so a more holistic approach is required, but because 2 caree’s are under LA/SS and the main one CHC (with no SW) that’ll never happen.
Money helps but does not change the fact neither the highly skilled staff or respite venues for working-age complex needs simply don’t exist anymore, their not “profitable” enough for the sector, its why everything has shifted to older patients (who often also have their own assets to bleed dry)