I have passed on all your messages.
Pet has had the pacemaker fitted this afternoon. She is tired but doing well.
@Melly1…glad to hear Pet is doing well. Send her my best please.
Hopefully she’ll be feeling a lot better once she’s got used to it.
Pet, very gentle hugs from me.
Thanks @Melly1 Love and best wishes to @Pet66
I hope everything goes smoothly
guess we shouldn’t send any racy photos to test things …just imagine cardio ward tests with the chippendales (dating self here) @Chris_22081 …thoughts?
Thanks for the update @Melly1 - like everyone else, I send my very best wishes for a speedy return to ‘normal’ life and am looking forward to her regular postings again. Pacemaker patients I have known have said it feels more scary than it is and the anticipation of the pacemaker ‘working’ is worse than it actually doing its job and most have said that after a very short time they are not even aware of it. One even said that when he went for a regular check up it had apparently been working very hard and he had not been been aware of it!
@Victoria_1806 - well yes you do seem to be leaving yourself open to comments querying your age, with references to the Chippendales. Are they still around? (perhaps on Zimmers now…). However as I also remember them I will draw a veil over further comment - other than to ask if I detect a little ‘stereotyping’ going on here…? Is there a reason you mentioned me at the same time as them? I am going to presume (and be flattered) flattered that you are referring to considering I may be a suitable candidate to join the troupe - I am right in thinking that is what you meant, aren’t I?
@Chris_22081 BS @Victoria_1806 You really are a ‘double act’. Thanks for making me giggle.
I too am wishing Pet the very best for a speedy recovery.
You saying I am fat now? Double size?
Oh - double ACT… Must read more carefully… Put it down to being exhausted from the holiday!
Oh I forgot to mention - came home to a freezer full of home made ice cream - 8 flavours!!! Nice one Dan!
Hi folks,
Pet66 spent the night in hospital. She’s all wired up so isn’t allowed out of bed yet. I am passing on all your messages.
Hugs and best wishes to Pet from me too, please, Melly. I have really appreciated her posts over the (several) years I have been on the forum - she feels like an in-real-life friend.
@Melly1 Thanks for playing postmaster for us!
Please pass on my love hugs and best wishes for a smooth, no-stress return home. I’m sure Pet will be very happy to be away from beeping machines.
Morning to everyone who kindly sent me lovely messages
.I’m having ups and downs. Thankfully more on the up now. Scar still catches occasionally. Pacemaker is still obvious under my skin. The anticoagulant making me constipated ( sorry if too much information!)
So strange because I still expect to feel breathless and surprised when Im not…
When I had a hysterectomy many years ago which actually saved my life, and another couple of health issues I remained positive with recovery. This time I can’t seem to get past what happened. I know I will when have seen the consultant.
Not wanting to sound woe is me because I still count my blessings
@Pet66 Cyber hugs from me. You have a very stressful time having to go into hospital as an ‘emergency’ so not surprised that you are struggling to bounce back. Just take it day by day. TBH I do not think the chilly weather is helping any of us to stay cheerful. I agree with ‘counting our blessings’ though and it will get easier.
Best wishes and loads of positive thoughts to you @Pet66.
Glad to read you know you’ll feel more positive after seeing the Consultant so keep focussed on that.
We’ve all had our Black-Dog-Days so no need to feel bad about that. I am not sure how positive I could remain if I’d been through the scares you have. Never worry about having a moan - it always makes things seem better afterwards!
As for TMI - come on - we talk about ‘poonamis’ and ‘floods’, so one word isn’t going to upset any of us
Pet, sorry to hear of the unwanted effects of the anti coagulant. For some reason fresh pears usually help for me, or prunes. It takes me longer to bounce back from anything these days.
@Pet66 I stopped bouncing back a few years ago, and sort of lurch uncontrollably instead. Not a pretty sight.
Hey Charles - nice Dad Dancing - when did you record that clip?
Tried them. Have to take the tablet every day so counteracts I think. Will try to get it changed perhaps