So confused! new claim to Carers Allowance


I’m so confused with universal credit and Carers Allowance. So carers gets backdated to when I phoned for my sons dla form (8/8/19) but carers element of universal credit only gets backdated to when I told them (21/10/19) is that right?

Also I know universal credit take £ for £ of what I get in carers but if they give me a backdated lump sum do universal credit take that back in a lump sum or over a period of time?

I’ve tried talking to universal credit they never give me the proper answers to my questions or they are completely clueless!!

Has any body had any experience with this? Also I’ve heard dla makes you exempt from the benefit cap. Thanks in advance

Hi Carla.

Given the complexities of Universal Credit , one for the Carers UK Advice team to answer.

Contact details follow … best by email :

Does DLA affect benefit cap ?

The good news is you are exempt from the benefit cap if you have a dependent child who is on either Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP). … Getting an award of DLA or PIP at any rate will mean you don’t have to worry about the benefit cap hitting your family.

At least some good news ?

Thank you I will send them an email. That is definitely good news. It’s all just so confusing lol. Thanks again

Your welcome.

NOTHING under UC is ever simple.

Unfortunately benefits are a minefield. Have you contacted Citizen’s Advice or not? When I applied for DLA on behalf of my little brother I emailed them for advice. Alternatively you can take a look at their website as it has a lot of information that will be useful to read or you can even make a appointment to visit them in person. Good luck! Don’t forget to update.

The Disability Alliance write an annual guide to disability benefits etc. It is one of the best written documents I’ve ever read, explaining everything as clearly as possible. If you buy a copy I think it’s about £15-£20 pounds now, but your local library may have a copy, or Carers organisation, or similar.

Thanks for the reply. No I’ve not contacted citizens advice but I will email them now thanks you. All these changes are just so new to me and no one tells you anything it’s so frustrating. Thanks again