I hope I’ve posted this in the right group!
I’m a carer for my disabled daughter who is in receipt of DLA. Since her condition has worsened I have had to leave work to become her carer, I have only just received an award for carers allowance because I didn’t even know it existed until this year! I am now claiming universal credit and I’m really worried I’ve done something wrong and I’m claiming something I shouldn’t be.
Should I of applied for carers allowance if universal credit has a carers element? (Again I didn’t know it existed until I was having a browse of my online journal)
I’ve received a back pay of carers allowance and I’m really worried I’m not entitled to it and I’m going to get into trouble with dwp.
I’ve read so much stuff online that is contradicting.
Can you claim Carers allowance and the universal credit carers element?
Somebody please help me out and give me some info as I need to call universal credit tomorrow and don’t want to sound like I’ve purposely claimed fraudulently.
Thank you!! 
Hi Lemonade … welcome.
Universal Credit ?
A title of a book made up of several chapters … said chapters being the individual benefits.
I assume that you are claiming more benefits … probably the income variety … as well as Carers Allowance ?
The Carer Element within Universal Credit :
Carer element
This element will be added to the maximum amount of Universal Credit where the claimant has regular and substantial caring responsibilities. This means that the person meets the entitlement conditions for carer’s allowance including caring for at least 35 hours a week. It also includes a person who would be entitled to carer’s allowance but their earnings are too high. There is no requirement to actually claim carer’s allowance.
Only 1 carer element is allowed per claimant and in joint claims two carer elements can be included providing both claimants are not caring for the same disabled person. If both claimants care for the same person, then they can decide who gets the carer element.
More detailed information about the carer element can be found in ADM Chapter F6.
Elements « Entitlement to Universal credit « Guidance « Universal Credit
Carer’s Allowance and Universal Credit.
Universal Credit is gradually replacing means-tested benefits (such as Income Support) for people of working age. You will get less Universal Credit if you’re receiving Carer’s Allowance. However, you’ll receive an extra amount, known as a carer amount.
As a first step . I recommend crunching some numbers through an Online Benefits Calculator :
That will give you a good approximation of the total due under UC , and the individual parts that make it up.
Then , for confirmation , bounce said CA element off either your local branch of the CAB or the Carers UK Advice Team
… their contact details follow … for the CUK Advice Team , best by email :
Either will be able to advise on any abnormalities thrown up.
Council Tax … discount / disregard ?
Have a ponder , and let us know how matters progress.
I’m tagging along here because I’m about to be in this boat. I’m told I can claim UC and CA once I quit work (that’s straight from the benefits folks who cover the area I live in). I earn too much right now for CA (by about 4 hours a week but can’t drop those hours because it’ll affect my redundancy). But my anxiety is going to make it difficult to seek further work for awhile so I don’t know what else I can maybe claim.
Tammie, in that case, make sure you know what you can deduct from your income, i.e. child care, before CA is calculated.
Thanks for the replies.
I claim UC, child benefit, DLA which is for my daughter and now carers allowance.
I haven’t applied for council tax help since leaving work so I still pay the full amount of council tax.
Online Benefit Calculator.
Results ?
In line with the global amount paid under Universal Credit ?
A+B+C = UC ?
No mention of housing ?
Definitely sort that out, it can be backdated too.
Council Tax discounts ?
Apply for a Council Tax discount - GOV.UK
Simply enter your postcode.