Hopefully, at least the dog(s) won’t totally starve. This is really an awful situation.
How difficult for you. I hope you resolve the issue soon.
A few reports off forum and what I have seen first hand.
Prices … creeping up … odd 1p / 2p here and there … vegetables , one to keep a close eye on !
The problem is that people have now snaffled all the home delivery slots by booking weekly repeat orders leaving vulnerable people who need to isolate with no access at all to home delivery and a logistical nightmare of how to get stuff from the shelves to the doorstep safely.
I think that for those carers (whether family members, paid carers, freinds or charitable volunteers) who are shopping for a shielded vulnerable person and need to avoid getting infected themselves or bringing infection back to cared for, the big supermarkets ought to reserve some capacity in the “Click and Collect” channel. They could then provide a special pick-up point with additional separation and infection controls in place. They should also reserve capacily for vulnerable people in the home delivery channel and not just on the basis of the Government’s definition of a vulneranble person which I feel is almost naively narrow. I just cannot believe that my mum, with all her problems is not classed officially as vulnerable.
If this was done in concert with the Local Authoriies, local care providers and agencies such as Age UK, the LA could make special dispensation for carers to use blue badge car park spaces when collecting shopping to give greater separation. They could also ensure orders are fulfilled from the newest stock so as to reduce the need for people to repeat order non-freezable stuff so frequently and reduce the number of visits necessary. The LA should know who the most vulnerable people and carers are and could put lists together of them to register with the supermarkets.
I am caring for my 93 year old mum who is bedbound, needs spoon feeding and can’t be left alone at all. I have to be in close contact with her to provide care so could not avoid infecting her. She has multiple severe mental and physical heath issues so her care is totally dpenedent on me and with no viable contingency plan for alternate care. If I become ill, what happens to her then? A nursing home or hospital? I don’t think that would be in anyone’s interest or even possible in present circumstances. I and all like me, just need this basic logictics problem solving.
At the moment, I’m having to depend on lovely kind neighbours and friends to supply us and the local volunteer scheme by Age UK. That’s wonderful but I hate that they are putting themselves in harms way to do it even though I know they are there anyway shopping on their own account.
All I want is a fair go with the online shopping instead of this free for all that leaves so many vulnerable people trampled underfoot. Then I can order stuff and get it delivered myself. The Goverment and LA’s really need to understand this problem and get a grip of it quickly or soon, many, many carers is this position will start risking everything going out to shop. It is my right and choice to make that decision for myself but do I have the right to make that choice for my mum too?
when i went up to teso i got what i needed and asked when the deliverys would be done for the most in need i showed them my carers card and they said about nhs opening times i said i am not nhs i am a private carer tesco staff said i should not be there but i said i needed food
Yet another vote for an acceptable carers card nationwide ?
Locally , the mutual aid group are " Borrowing " from the food bank to make up essential parcels to many elderly citizens in the surrounding , former , pit villages
hoping to replenish them during the day from acquisitions from the local supermarkets.
It is getting very desperate , at times.
Just to record , kiosk at my local ASDA earlier this morning.
One local mutual aider topping up 24 prepayment meter thingamejigs on behalf of residents of an outlying , former , pit village.
14 villages as such locally , I wonder if he spends his whole day just making sure the villagers are topped up ?
Separate clear pvc envelopes with name and address labels thereon.
Pleasing to see even if a few in the queue were becoming inpatient.
Oh, I did not realise they’d done that! I stand corrected and am sorry you lost your regular slot. As you say, too much demand for the capicity available. I guess after this, many more people will stick with home delivery and they’ll ramp up the capacity. I shall have to find other ways to get supplies to us. Thank you for your update on the situation. Stay safe and well.
They have special times set aside for the elderly and vulnerable, shouldn’t the people that are looking after the aforementioned be allowed to fill the slots that people who have know choice but to self isolate cannot take advantage of, my wife had no choice but to self isolate due to health issues, as her main carer we cannot afford for me to become ill to a point of being unable to care for her.
Row as many supermarket deliveries are not reaching over 70s and key workers including bus drivers and food delivery drivers are being turned away from stores
‘Big four’ supermarkets have allocated early morning slots in store for NHS staff.
They are also working with government database to prioritse elderly for delivery.
But those ‘shielding’ for 12 weeks and key workers say they can’t access services.
Coronavirus UK: Elderly can't get online supermarket delivery | Daily Mail Online
A most relevant snippet :
Thousands of elderly and vulnerable people across Britain claim they cannot get access to online delivery slots amid the coronavirus crisis.
Shoppers have slammed Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda after they failed to provide enough availability for their elderly relatives who are ‘shielding’ indoors for three months because they are at greater risk of dying from the virus.
Many with parents over 70 say they have been unable to register them for Government-approved priority slots and they fear they may soon run out food.
Meanwhile ‘key workers’ from > carers > ( Us I presume … or not ? ) , binmen and teachers, say they are being turned away from supermarkets during their special opening hours > because they don’t work for the NHS> .
As already highlighted in the QUESTION & ANSWER thread , one for Carers UK to sort out … like yesterday ???
As a result of several Forum posts and emails to our helpline we are aware that some carers have been unable to secure priority shopping slots at a range of supermarkets. Unfortunately this isn’t something that Carers UK can resolve but we have provided some guidance for carers on ‘Managing food and medication’ on our further support web page:
Coronavirus: How do I get a food parcel ?
How does food parcel delivery work ?
A total of one-and-a-half million people in England have been identified as being extremely medically vulnerable.
The government has contacted 900,000 of those and plans to distribute free food parcels every week to more than 50,000 who have no family or friends to help them.
The first 4,000 were delivered at the weekend.
The identical parcels contain essential non-perishable supplies like pasta, cereal, fruit, tea bags, potatoes and tinned goods as well as toilet paper.
A food distribution company will deliver the packs to people’s doorsteps, although in some cases local authorities, charities or emergency services may help out.
The government is working in partnership with the food industry, local government, and voluntary groups and could potentially deliver hundreds of thousands every week.
Coronavirus: How do I get a food parcel? - BBC News
Note the figures and think a little on them … ?
Parents claim supermarkets including Sainsbury’s and Aldi are stopping them from shopping with their children as part of crackdown on social distancing rules.
Parents criticised supermarkets for allegedly stopping children from entering.
Grandmother said her single mother daughter was turned away from an Aldi.
Others claim Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s have stopped families from shopping.
All four supermarkets told MailOnline that children are permitted to enter stores.
Parents claim supermarkets have stopped them from shopping with their children | Daily Mail Online
How many lone carers have no option other than to take their caree with them when they go out ?
Good evening everyone
Just looking through this topic I care for my wife who has multiple illnesses 1 of them being COPD i have also illnesses such as asthma bronchitis and type 2 diabetes we managed to get an order online with asda last week coming next week so about a 2 week wait we are fortunate to hopefully have enough to last till then surly the elderly need someone to try order for them but how with social distance well by phone would prob be the best bet i hope u all manage to get through this with good health and thank u for this forum will give some of us some what peace of mind
I had a message from both Tesco and Asda just today as I asked this question as my daughter is our only means of getting us our bits and Bob’s but she has a 5 year old son they told me not a problem she and he will still be allowed in
Now BLIND people say they have been turned away from UK supermarkets ‘because they would be unable to stay two metres from other customers’ under social distancing rules
Man with visual impairment alleged he was stopped from entering supermarket.
Claimed store refused entry because he couldn’t ‘guarantee’ two-metre distance.
Others have alleged they were not allowed helpers in some supermarket chains.
Now BLIND people say they have been turned away from UK supermarkets | Daily Mail Online
I had a message from both Tesco and Asda just today as I asked this question as my daughter is our only means of getting us our bits and Bob’s but she has a 5 year old son they told me not a problem she and he will still be allowed in
The dreaded post code lottery again ?
Some branches do , some don’t ?
I made a list this morning of stuff that I’m running short of and stuff that I can only buy in Waitrose and then took a trip to Waitrose in Christchurch. When I arrived, there were about 15 people queueing outside, I decided to wait and see how quickly the queue moved, I rolled a ciggy and by the time I’d done that there were 30 people queueing,
I went back home via Sainsburys and that was even worse. No shopping done today. It reminds me of news items from Russia during the cold war, send Babushka out for two days to queue for a cabbage.