Still a few cases of " Misinterpretation " around … or not ?
Full-time carer forced to shop without brother who has dementia.
AN elderly woman has been stopped from shopping alongside her brother with dementia due to supermarket rules.
Carol Silcock, 70, lives with brother Terry Austin, 76, in St Osyth, where she cares for him around the clock as a result of his debilitating illness.
Desperately in need of some essentials, having self-isolated for two weeks because of coronavirus, the pair were taken to Lidl, in Clacton, by a friend on Monday.
After being dropped off outside the shop, Carol grabbed a trolley and approached the entrance, alongside her brother, but was stopped by a security guard.
According to Carol’s daughter, Julie Argent, 52, her mum and uncle were told they could not shop together because of new social distancing rules, which permits only one person per trolley.
Carol told the security guard her brother cannot be left alone, because he has advanced dementia, but they were still warned to split up or go elsewhere.
Full-time carer forced to shop without brother who has dementia | Gazette
A carer pushing his / her caree in a wheelchair with one of those special trolleys designed specifically for that purpose.
Many lone carers will know that problem only too well … me included in the days before Internet shopping.
What is their position … refused entry ?
Asked before … social distancing … two arrive to shop by car … how can one social distance themselves in a car ?
Another practical case for Carers UK to advise on ?