Hello, I am new here and was wondering if anyone could offer some advice on my situation. I believe the situation I’m in is quite common amongst carers, and I’m wondering if anyone has advice on things they do to help themselves get through the day, and keep their head above water, as it was.
I live with and am the only carer for my elderly father, who has dementia, diabetes and an alcohol problem, I have one sibling but she lives abroad so it’s just me without any outside help. We have hit a wall in terms of getting outside help, as my father still has capacity, and refuses to let anyone apart from me into the house. He’s qualified for a social services assessment but won’t let them in the house.
My father has gotten to the point where he goes wandering, and so I can’t be away from the house for very long. He has also started wandering at night meaning I have to be on alert 24 hours a day, listening out in case he leaves the house. I am also responsible for giving my father all his meals and medication.
I am struggling to cope with needing to be available 24 hours a day with no respite. Over the 7 years I’ve been caring for him, I’ve lost my job, my social life and access to my hobbies, and I’m not sure what I can do to help me cope.
I am wondering if anyone’s been in a similar situation and could suggest the things that help them get through the days, any tips on how to keep going and keep a positive attitude would be so appreciated, thank you in advance.