Hi, so right now I feel pretty awful. My thoughts are just circling around and around again. It’s all related to stuff related to mum and her needs, although right now nothing is really happening.
I’m finding it hard to deal with things at the moment. I contacted the social worker earlier in the week, but I haven’t really heard anything back, but she said she would look into stuff.
I realise I need more support than I am getting in regards to mum, but I don’t know if I’m ever going to get it. I really just want someone to take things of my hands.
I really just want to step away for abit to focus on myself for abit. I need time away. I just want to be me again.
I realise I’ve taken on far too much responsibility and I’m paying the price now. I spoke to someone who suggested that it was no wonder why I have OCD considering all the trauma I’ve been through the past few years.
I also kind of have someone in my life now. Not a partner or anything like that, he’s over double my age. (A couple of years younger than my dad would be) He’s someone I’ve known a while, but certain things have drawn us together and we talk regularly. He’s become abit of a role model for me, and someone I really look up to. I would say like father figure but I’m not going to say that because I think it’s abit mean to my dad, that void will always be there. But he’s someone that sees me for me. Although he did say he’s become like a part time dad to me.
I’ve never told him about my carer role, because I feel like he sees me for me whilst everyone else I know sees me as this person who looks after their mum. He has really helped me to feel seen.
Hes really helped me the past few months, something related to work happened (long story) he was involved, and I confided in him about it. We spoke for ages and he wanted to make sure I was okay, and asked me specifically what exactly I was worried about. He then spoke to me honestly about it all, and told me he was there to support me, and that he will always be there for me.
He’s said the same previously.
I realise that when dad died I lost the only adult in my life who supported me.
A few days later he messaged me again asking if I was okay. No one has done this in such a long time.