Newbie here, saying hi

Hi Melly1,
Thankyou for welcoming me ,
Its nice to be able to check in with you all now. :wink:


“Private Messages” are just that - private between two or more members which can’t be seen by anyone else :grinning:
You can find information on how to send/receive PM’s in the blue information banner at the top of the page or the same information is set out here:

Hello and welcome. Nice to meet you.

Thankyou thara ! :wink: happy monday to you

@friendhip123 Hi, I’m glad you’ve reached out to the group. Everyone is so supportive and they’ve helped me out so much. It sounds like you’re doing an amazing job, sending a big hug :hugs:


Thankyou Sue 24 for your welcome :pray: , and so happy to meet you .
Hugs back


Thankyou susieq.
Im gonna re - read what youve put here , and try and get my addled brain round it all. Thankyou , so helpful hints…wish i was better at tech stuff !!! :slight_smile:

Hello. Welcome aboard.

Thankyou thara :slight_smile: for welcoming me

4 posts were split to a new topic: Newbie introducing myself