New member Edward

I have been caring for my wife for about fifteen years, initially as a result of Rheumatoid and Psoriatic arthritis with psoriasis. She survived a heart attack six years ago, and for the past four years she has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, which is the most difficult to deal with.

Hi Edward and welcome,
So sorry to hear that your wife-and you-have had such a hard 15 years, and now the very difficult problem of her dementia.
Have you ‘called in the troops’ in the way of Carers for your wife and have you had a carer’s assessment yourself. Are you able to get out for time for you, away from caring?
How old are you both? Retired? Are you aware that you can claim a reduction of your council tax and does your wife receive attendance allowance?
The plan is to make life as easy as possible for yourself whilst you can still manage to care whilst being aware that there might well come a time when your wife needs a team of carers 24/7. It’s a cruel disease.
Please tell us a little more about the problems you are undoubtedly experiencing and how much help you have in place already.