Letter to social services. I am in a crisis. Please read

@Coolcar98, I’ve been following your posts, I’m so sorry you are in such a desperate situation with your Mum and how it is making you feel, my heart goes out to you.

The Social Worker had no business telling you off, nor saying that you are being defeatist and refusing, when you have been fighting really hard to get your Mum the support and help she needs (and deserves!)

It’s simply not good enough to keep trotting out the excuse that they are ‘too busy’, it’s just a standard response they hide behind. If you have the energy to do so, keep on at them until you get some answers. But I do understand how totally exhausting it is to keep advocating for someone else, especially when they are not always appreciative of your efforts to try and help.

I am in the East Riding

@Coolcar98 does your Mum have an advocate - I don’t mean you. An advocate’s job is to badger the very people who are meant to be making things happen for your Mum. They have the time to do this, know who and how to badger and can do this during their working day.

If she doesn’t have one, this would be worth putting your waning energy in to sorting and then you can take a step back from all this fighting on behalf of your Mum.


Thank you for this. How would I go about it?

I just called the assisted living facility directly (its another company) and spoke to a lovely woman, (She said she used to work with my aunt on my late dads side because she recognised my unusual last name). she said she will get the lead housing officer to call me (not at social services). She seemed to be abit more open about the process, but she said waits vary in terms of the person. But I didn’t get the usual crap about long waits and red tape. So hopefully this is a way forward.


I now feel like I am getting dishonest advice and being treated like an absolute nuicance. Social services keep saying that there has been no movement in the waiting list for the assisted living, but the person at the facility actually said a couple of them come up every month, sometimes more sometimes less, but they are allocated on a needs basis.

I have just received a call back from the facility who are saying they wont contact me, and that I need to go back to adult social care. The woman on the phone said that the email said "If x contacts you again, send her back to adult social care.’ So I went back to adult social care and I am still getting messages that they are busy. What is going on? I haven’t done anything other than badger them seeking advice. It seems like emails are going around.

It is way beyond acceptable for them to tell you anything is your responsibility. For one thing, it’s not legally true.

I suggest your contact your local carers centre and ask them about advocacy services in the area.

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