Income Support Appointment

Hello I have appointment for income support I am a carer on carer allowance too this is first time been sent to attend one in 3 year is anything changed at these appointments did have few at start of my claim they used to ask if wanted work or any help etc is this still the same or they ask you anything different now?

Look forward to replies

Hi Dayle.

IF you are claiming CA + IS only , only routine … as a carer , you have no obligation to seek work.

As for what they ask ( Job Centre ? ) , pass … probably review your present circumstances , ask if any work has
been undertaken and whether they can be of any help to you.

That’s assuming that you have not transgressed in any way , or at anytime ?

More from elsewhere on this site … CUK Advice Team … similar question :

Thanks for reply Chris

Not done any paid work or anything bar my caring duties got no plans to change that as happy with my caring duties.

No change to my circumstances.

They can still insist you attend.
It could be that, as others have found, the DWP worker doesn’t know their own rules. Use this as a training exercise for them!

Your welcome.

Don’t forget to be decontamined afterwards !

Yeah have to attend days on letter will attend anyway
Also does anyone know if your on CA and IS and because your on IS you go on to UC? I know CA isn’t on UC.

Yeah will be decontaminated after it.

Income related benefits ?

Welcome , eventually , to UC !


Thanks wasn’t to sure if they changed you to UC due to Income Support a shall have a look at Citizen Advice.

'Fraid so … IS … a natural pathway to UC.


Universal Credit has replaced these benefits for most people :

Housing Benefit.

income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA).

Child Tax Credit.

Working Tax Credit.

Income Support.

Be sure to stock up on those pills … UC is a real contagion … even a pathogen … for some.

Attend appointment was quick 2 minutes chat anything changed or need anything updated and see you in 3 year time thanks all for your comments.

Your welcome.

One of the major banes of the current benefits system ?

I trust now fully decontaminated ?

( Quick one … or two … on the way home is always a good cure ? )