I assume that all reading this have had their invites ?
For the x year running , no Internet coverage … not even Carers Radio ?
Given the " State of Caring " , should be on par with other events going on … the Extinction Rebellion perhaps ?
If nothing else , the debate on " Fairer for Carers " should be interesting … ???
Oh well … nice to know that CUK have OUR interests at the forefront of what ever they are doing now ? ( Anyone planning a food bank stall outside … in the heart of corporate London ? )
Still , why do the members really matter except to provide donations to help keep CUK afloat ?
Every year we come together to discuss issues affecting carers, report back on the work of the past year and look to the challenges and opportunities ahead as a supportive community and a movement for change.
We would be delighted to see as many of our members there as possible. The event is free to attend and registration is now open.
In response to your question, all 26,000 Carers UK members (including users of the Forum) have been invited to our AGM and Members’ Conference by email or letter. We also sent a couple of reminders and included information on our website and in the recent issue of Caring magazine. Nearly 300 members have registered to attend and everyone who applied for a bursary to cover travel costs has been given one.
It should be a really enjoyable and informative conference with sessions on carers breaks, carer wellbeing, juggling work and care, carers shaping and making change and GP support for carers. There will also be a speech from our Chief Executive Helen Walker, and Linda Jaggers (a member from Wales) will be telling her caring story. It’s also a great opportunity for carers to connect with each other and with staff and trustees. Any Forum users will be really welcome to come and chat with us at the membership and volunteering stand.
We’ll be taking video clips of some of the sessions, as well as interviewing some of the members who attend, and we’ll share these with you all in our next members’ newsletter.
( From an old section of the forum " Withdrawn " by CUK. )
Suffice to say , both the forum and CUK have lost too many veterans since then … what remains is a poor substitute … both for
CUK and , more importantly , for the carers of 2019.
Yes, I received my invite, thank you. Unfortunately I didn’t know if I’d be able to attend and then I forgot about it! If at all possible, it would be nice to get a reminder to register, either by email or via reminder under the all about caring page.
If you Carers UK did put out a reminder, I’m sorry. Maybe next year?!
If you peruse that thread , the consequences become a little clearer … ?
Just searched Carers UK on YouTube and couldn’t recognise any meeting proceedings. Are there any on the Carers UK website?
As there is no CONTACT CUK WITH A QUESTION facility on the forum , short of contacting a RED direct , the a.g.m. is the only time a member can , in theory , ask a question … assuming any resolution is not accepted ?
Hello Rosemary. We’ve just received the video footage from the conference and now need to edit this for sharing with members. We’ll add this to the AGM & Members’ Conference page on the Carers UK website and provide a link to this in the next members’ newsletter. Hopefully this will be in the next couple of weeks.
Hello Chris. You can ask us a question at any time by sending a private message to Lizzie or I or by emailing forum@carersuk.org.
If you have a general question about your Carers UK membership you can also email membership@carersuk.org
Our Chief Executive Helen Walker provided a Q&A session on the Forum for members earlier in the year and we plan to run another Q&A session on carers rights and benefits during the week of Carers Rights Day (18-22 Nov).
Michael, in future, I would like CUK management to make a commitment to give us a brief summary within 24 hours. Who went, who spoke and what was discussed.