General election July 2024

OK So now we know - General Election on 4th July.

Whilst this is not a Political site. I ask what plan CUK has to lobby for Carers - both Carer’s Rights and Benefits - with every single Candidate in this Election?

@Michael_CarersUK @Paola_Carers_UK can I ask when anything will be published to give advice on individuals lobbying locally please? Will CUK be making Statements to the Media? Can we please have as much advance warning as possible in advance of such Statements so we can raise awareness locally?


Have to agree with Chris. I am happy to write to my potential MP and ask what the ‘plan’ is to support carers. With an aging population, a failing NHS and advanced medical sophistry, more and more of us will sleepwalk into caring. The Political Parties cannot afford to ignore us.

Hi Chris and Michael - see this page on Carers UK’s website on the 2024 General Election. This includes our manifesto for carers and invites you to sign a letter to the next Prime Minister.

General Election 2024 | Carers UK




Lets hope support extends to Northern Ireland. At the mo I have to throw myself on the mercy of my employer. I am lucky to work in a supportive institution but many don’t.

I’d like understanding that theres different types of carers definitely.

My former workplace where quite good but at times would compare me to other colleagues who were carers and we all cared for different family members and had different dynamics and set up. So me needing time off to take my daughter to appointments was literally that me needing time off because no-one else could do it, but my colleague who cared for her brother had another sibling who could take time off to.


MPs tend not to think of parents caring for their disabled children, and because of the split between Children and Adult services in councils, it affects planning for carers, leaving the 20% of carers who are parents isolated and the least likely to receive support for their own needs. As these carers are literally the most vulnerable to the long term effects of being a carer - poorer physical and mental health, financial difficulties - they are effectively being planned into those effects. It has to stop.