Invitation to Carers UK AGM & Members' Conference 2020

Every year we come together to discuss issues affecting carers, report back on the work of the past year and look to the challenges and opportunities ahead as a supportive community and a movement for change.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s AGM and Members’ Conference will be a virtual event, taking place online. This year’s theme is Connecting Carers, Creating Change.

Although we will miss seeing you all in person, holding an online conference provides us with an opportunity to connect with many more members than would usually be able to travel to London or another city in the UK.

We know that many of you care full-time and couldn’t leave your homes to travel to a Carers UK event, so we hope that this year you will be able to join us for at least part of the event.

Thursday 8 October 2020
AGM from 10.00AM

As there will be no physical meeting this year, we are encouraging all members to vote at the AGM by proxy using the conference booking form below.

Book your place here: