Im having constant issues with my mums carers. They’re very good regarding her care and comfort and help her with a bit of light physio. But as a stroke patient living at home with very little physio input ive asked the carers to follow recommendations from mum’s private physios.
This includes hoisting her into her wheelchair every other day and positioning her correctly in bed (to support her lung health).
Mum lives with step dad whos very introverted and will not direct the carers. I live closeny but can’t always supervise.
We’re in this situation due to awful NHS provision. The carers’ pushback may impede her rehab. This happens despite the directions being in the care plan. Its hugely frustrating and stressful when i need to pish back on them and every other area of mum’s care and social worker (who is rubbish).
Any advice? How can I ensure they do what they’re supposed to do?