Carers have broken my fathers hearing aid

So the carers have broken my father’s hearing aid- snapped it when replacing a battery. He can’t hear a thing. They put him to bed at 5:30pm and he normally watches TV and then falls asleep but he can’t hear anything. He keeps trying to get up.

I’m annoyed as they cost a lot of money and I’ll now have to take another day (unpaid and much to my employers annoyance ) off work to sort them out. I will also have to provide additional care as without any hearing my fathe ris even move unsteady on his feet and quickly becomes very confused. What annoys me most is they didn’t even apologise and just said I will have to sort it. Grr… sorry I just need to offload. As if life isn’t hard enough.

Contact their agency and make them take it to be sorted. And make sure they foot the cost.

Thanks for such a quick and helpful response. I did ask the carers if they could help (particularly worried about having to take yet more time off work to get it sorted) but they said the Agency advised it wasn’t their responsibility.

We have insurance for the pa we employ through direct payments but not the care agency staff. To be honest it’s not so much the money (although I have in the past year used all my savings on care related stuff) it’s more the time . In the past year I’ve had to take over 50 days off work to attend social work/NHS meetings and appointments. All my leave has been used up and whilst I can, and been taking, special leave without pay my employers are not impressed (it’s becoming a performance issue).

If anyone else has been in a similar situation I would love to know how you manage. Thank you.

Do you have a contact number or not? Call tomorrow or write a letter to explain what happened and politely request they pay for it out of their earnings. How much are the aids?

I work part time whilst caring for my 2 year old disabled son. I use a diary to keep details of all his appointments and am his sole carer at the moment. Now that our appointments have reduced, I am back at work four and a half days a week. I leave 30 minutes earlier on Fridays so I can spend some time with him.

Thanks for the response. I will get in touch with them tomorrow.

I also have an appointments calendar which I find really helpful- but would be lost without it.
MIT sounds like your employers have been great. I did ask work if I could work flexibly (part time or compressed hours- whatever worked best for them) but unfortunately my request was declined. I was disappointed as I have been there for nearly 20 years andbits the first time I have ever asked for any changes. I think I may have to look for another job at some point but I want to wait until I’ve got the care package sorted (it’s due to be reviewed shortly).
It sounds like you have got things really well organised with your son. I’m always amazed at how well some of the carers on here manage. Working and caring is not easy! Thank you for your time.

The careers agency should have insurance for this kind of thing. Report it to them