Can I get carers allowance and JSA?

I have just left work as the position was no longer available. I worked for 6 months from October 2019 - March 2019.

I care for my dad 35 hours per week. Can I apply for JSA until I find a job and still get CA?


Either ESA ( With the Carers Premium ) OR Carers Allowance.


However you should still claim Carers Allowance, you will not receive payment, but you will be eligible for the Carer Premium in your ESA applicable amount. > Your present income (£125.05 ESA) will go up by the value of the Carer premium (£34.60) giving you £159.65 weekly ESA.

The former means more monies but with obligations needed to satisfy the local Job Centre.


I am applying for JSA as I am no longer working, and I care for my dad. I don’t think I am allowed to get ESA?

JSA … old money … ESA … new money.

Only one way to find out.

Might be a component of Universal Credit if rolled out on your manor.

Yes, we do have UC.

I just did the form and it says:

£78.31 / weekly
Our estimate is based on the information you have entered and does not guarantee entitlement. It uses 19/20 benefit and tax rates.

This amount is made up of the following benefits:

Universal Credit
£12.16 / weekly
We estimate your monthly Universal Credit will be £52.71.

Carers Allowance
£66.15 / weekly
We have included the amount of Carer’s Allowance shown as income when calculating your entitlement to other benefits. Money that you get from Carer’s Allowance can affect the amount you receive in other benefits, and we have included this in your results. For more information see calculating Carer’s Allowance.

I am confused why isnt job seekers allowance on here?

One has to apply for ESA before it is either approved or rejected.


How can I claim Employment and Support Allowance ?

To claim ESA call Jobcentre Plus on 0800 055 6688 (textphone 0800 023 4888). They’ll ask you questions over the phone and fill in the form for you.

If approved , be wary of the obligations it imposes :

Employment and Support Allowance (contribution-based) - Entitledto

Chris do you work for DWP you know it all lol

It says:
Contributory Employment and Support Allowance provides financial help to people who are unable to work because of illness or disability. If you are a Universal Credit claimant this contributory benefit is known as ‘new-style Employment and Support Allowance’. This help page covers both versions.

But I have no illness or disability…

Depends on the " Flavour " of ESA approved :

Employment and Support Allowance (contribution-based) - Entitledto
( Dole money … Unemployment Benefit … JSA … ESA … it’s evolution. )

Work for the DWP ?

Nope … just a working knowledge of the various benefits / allowances … spin off from the work I do for
the forum and the local food bank in providing information … mainly for those without Internet access.

Chris, your knowledge is a blessing

So I’ve submitted a claim for JSA on, and have arranged an appointment to confirm my ID. So I can either get JSA or CA not both?

ESA and the carers premium element OR Carers Allowance.

Be wary of the obligations the former imposes on the recipient as mentioned earlier.

Chris I understand this, but I am not diasbled or have an illness that prevents me from wokring. I am actively looking for work so would it not be JSA?

Sorry really confused…

JSA … how to apply :

Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA): How it works - GOV.UK

Still pays more than CA.

Good luck with the obligations :
Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA): Your JSA interview - GOV.UK

I am trying to find a list of obligations but it’s not there. I understand that with JSA your capital cannot go over £16,000 and that you have to be looking for work actively and attend appointments?

I am currently going through an application proccess with a employer…

Should I be aware of anything else?

I’ll let the Government , through the DWP , explain :

Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions: how to keep your benefit payment - GOV.UK


2. What must I do to keep my benefit payment?

The reason your last job ended will always be checked, and benefit can be stopped if you were dismissed for misconduct, or left it without good reason. Once you start to get benefit payment, this will continue as long as you:

are available for work and agree to do the things in your Claimant Commitment (Jobseeker’s Agreement ).
go to meetings on time with your work coach and take part in interviews.
apply for suitable jobs your work coach tells you about.
do everything your work coach tells you to do to find work, such as attending a training course or updating your CV.
take part in employment schemes when your work coach tells you to – you’ll need to :

meet your employment scheme provider on time and do the things they tell you to do to find work.
still meet your work coach and do what they tell you to do.
do all you can to find work.

If you can’t do, or haven’t done these things, tell your work coach or employment scheme provider why straight away.

You’ll get your benefit payment if you can show you had good reason for not doing what you were told to do. Provide as much information as you can, as quickly as possible. For example, call your work coach as soon as you can before an interview if you can’t attend. Let them know why. Your work coach can use this time to help others find work, and you’ll continue to get your benefit payment if we decide you had good reason for not going.

If you don’t do these things, and you don’t have good reason, your benefit payment could be stopped or your claim could be ended. It’s important that you understand everything you need to do to get your benefit payment and what will happen if you don’t. Ask your work coach to explain if you’re not sure.

Chris, thank you. Sorry to be annoying

No problem !

Just one of 7.8 million others out there needing some kind of help.