Can anyone help!

I cannot say what happens in your area, but mum is a vulnerable adult who needs support.

@bowlingbun We donā€™t want to go through social services again. We feel like they are extremely useless.

Iā€™m also going to speak to the GP in the morning.

Right now I just feel extremely tired too, but I have to go to mums. If I fall asleep I will only end up waking up even more panicked because I do if I napped.

I donā€™t want mum to be evicted. I am so scared.

I just ended up having another panic attack too.

Please try to progress the Advocate for your mother option.

Iā€™m worried that you are getting more and more wound up. If you donā€™t take a step back from mum you might end up with a breakdown.

@bowlingbun I already feel like I am having a breakdown. Itā€™s the panic attacks, the unable to eat without throwing up.

I feel totally unsupported and I donā€™t know what to do. I just know the GP wonā€™t do much tomorrow other than mentioning medication.


As we all keep saying, your Mum isnā€™t going to change unfortunately.

Meds will perhaps dull down your anxiety.

Or, you can get others to fight for your Mum (an advocate) and do the supporting a care package - via social services.

I know you donā€™t want to involve them again - but itā€™s that or you keep going as you are until you are no longer able to function and then social care will have to step in anyway.

@Melly1 Iā€™m really scared she is going to get evicted. Sheā€™s going back into the mental health team.

However I am so scared about this.

Why are you scared about her going back to the mental health team?

Iā€™m scared she will be evicted.

I remember the problems trying to find somewhere suitable. There can surely now be no doubt that this current placement, especially with the shared facilities like washing machines, isnā€™t the right place?

The mental health team are there to support people with MH issues - do you not think your Mum struggles with her MH?

Isnā€™t it a housing association flat?

I do think she struggle with her mental health, she is open to the mental health team.

She is with a housing association, however the lettings manager is not very good.

Itā€™s more to do with the people.

Mum needs more support, sheā€™s had yet more issues with being led astray by people. Sheā€™s got into bother because of the actions of other people.

I donā€™t want to see her get evicted.

I have also just spoken to the mental health team myself. I have a referral for more support going through however it could take a couple of months.

I feel so ill. I think I ended up passing out last night. I remember feeling dizzy and everything going black, and then I woke up about 1am.

I feel so weak too. I canā€™t eat and when I do I have thrown everything back up. Even this morning I have been sick again, itā€™s a daily occurrence now. I canā€™t keep anything down.

I have my doctors appointment this morning but I donā€™t know what else they can suggest.

I donā€™t want to do this anymore.

Tell them all how you feel.

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@Coolcar98 How did the GP appointment go? Please take care of yourself as you do sound very very low.

@selinakylie The appointment went fine. I have been referred to a primary mental health thing and will get an appointment on Friday.

Iā€™ve been prescribed some anti sickness tablets, and my anxiety meds have been increased yet again. Yay!

I also spoke to the carers association who seemed to be pretty adamant that I should put in for an autism assessment as I have put in one for mum. Another person also said to me last night I could have autism.

Iā€™m 50/50 as to whether I am. In some ways yes, in others no. Some of it could be put down to eccentricity. Iā€™ve always thought if I am, Iā€™m not that bothered about finding out anyway as I seem to function okay in life, as in I have a good job, and so on.

I went to work today too, and my boss was commenting on how unwell I seemed to be. I did go for a walk at lunch time as I had to collect my prescription, I went into a shop and bought mum something, and had a look in the charity shop. I felt better.

I managed to buy some cheese straws from cooplands, and so far I have kept them down which is a bonus, but an hour later I just felt awful again. No sickness as of yet though.

I missed karate tonight, I decided that after not eating for a few days and having passed out that I do not want to excert myself. If it was another sparring session, I could have easily struggled, and without energy something could have happened.

I got home and weighed myself again. Iā€™m down another kilogram. This is not good. I mean it is, I need/want to loose weight, but not like this.

Iā€™ve been ill a lot in recent months, with pills that fight infection well but just went off my food. One thing I would manage was a packet of Wotsits! Iā€™m not a fan of snacks or junk food, but they did help take away that empty stomach/ sickness feeling. It becomes a vicious circle. The other thing that helped was tinned rice pudding. I wonder if other forum members have any other ideas? Iā€™m not a fan of labelling people.

The doctor did say to eat snacky foods instead of a full meal. I always have a little selection of snacks at home anyway. I have some little packets of Doritos so I will try to force one of them down.

I do feel better than I did. I have abit of a plan going forward. Iā€™ve decided I may need to be abit more proactive and instead of worrying about something knock it on the head and deal with it myself.

One of my worries is mum when she comes home from the pub. Sheā€™s been lead astray abit and she got into trouble because of a friend. I am going to pick mum up from the pub instead. Itā€™ll only take half an hour to do.

When I felt unwell I had some chicken soup. Admittedly it was tinned but I really didnā€™t mind it.
Yes tinned rice pudding helped another time. Iā€™ve usually a tin in the cupboard. I canā€™t be bothered to make my own these days as would be for me only