Hi folks,
I’ve been caring for my mum in one way, shape or form since 2016 & so receive Carers Allowance for doing so. I don’t live with my mum but I’ve been staying with her for the past few weeks because we tested positive for Covid so we had to isolate together. I got back home yesterday to check my mail & sort some stuff out & found a letter about my CA, stating that someone else has claimed the payment for caring for my mum. I had no inkling about it & neither did my mum. The only person I could think that would do that was my brother so I asked him & it was. My brother has mental health & substance abuse issues (for which he receives PIP) & often does things like this on a whim without any thought for the consequences.
The letter had a reply slip attached to it, which my brother would have also received a copy of. The reply date on it has passed by 2 weeks, because I was away, and so as a result of no response from either of us (because I knew nothing about it & he decided not to follow through on what he started) it states that it will be passed to the Secretary of State for a decision. So I’m worried that my CA now may be cancelled as they haven’t had a response. I rely on that & the things it entitles me to, to keep me going so this has obviously caused a lot of anxiety. If I call them tomorrow & explain the situation is this likely to help? If anyone has any experience or knowledge in thus area I would really appreciate them sharing it.
I hope you are all doing well & thanks in advance