
Hi. I hope someone can give me some advice/guidance. For the past 9 years I have been a carer to my father. Sadly he passed away in December so my carers allowance and income support are due to end. I would be grateful of any advice as to what I have to do next. I am unable to work at the moment as I am grieving the loss of my dad. Can someone please advice me on what benefits I need to apply for Thank you.

Hi Dawn,

I’m sorry for your loss.

You might find this information useful


Dawn, the first few weeks are often very busy, sorting out bills, equipment etc.
No one in “officialdom” seems to understand that the carer is grieving, so be sure to pace yourself.
I found “do a bit stop”, “do a bit, stop” was the only way I could cope.
Are you sleeping OK?
Need any help with the paperwork side of things?
Did dad own, or rent, his home?

Old thread locked. Usual reasons