Battle with social services after a death

Hello @Supernerogirl , It’s been a while since I’ve been on here.
I hope you managed to get through Christmas/New Year okay.
I’ve been dealing with another family member in hospital etc. since Jan 2nd so I’m about to take a deep breath and re-address the battle of wills with the council and their attitude. :crossed_fingers:
I doubt I’ll have long-term success but I’m going to try! I just hope the ombudsman is human when/if we get to that stage.
Thanks for you support and empathy xx

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Hope it goes well, can be lengthy process but worth doing. Take care and hope you’re other family member ok :pray:

When the Ombudsman becomes involved, just say to the LA that it would be inappropriate to discuss anything with them until a decision has been reached. In other words, shut up and leave me alone!

Thank you @Supernerogirl and @bowlingbun , sound advice indeed and I shall heed it.
I wouldn’t have thought of telling the LA to hold back.
Next job is to contact them to give them a chance to answer my complaint I put in March last year, which I doubt they will, or won’t do it to my satisfaction (they’ve already been ‘economical with the truth’) so at least I can go to the ombudsman and say I’ve done everything I can with the LA and they aren’t co-operating.
It makes such a difference having support out there!! :heartpulse:

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