Am I eligible for the vaccine?

Hi , I am registered with my dr as my daughters carer , she is 24 and lives nearby but not with me . I do all of her medications and appointments and emotional support etc, but I would not qualify for carers allowance as I do not do it for 35 hours a week . I got a text from the gp inviting me for my vaccine - obviously cos I’m registered as a carer but am I eligible? I’m worried I’m jumping the queue - any advice please?

You appear to have one of the very few enlightened GPs.

Take the money and run. (Yes, go and have the vaccine, your GP thinks you’re entitled).

Yes, I agree - have the vaccine as soon as possible.
If you spend time with your daughter - watching tv, shopping together etc that still can be included in the 35 hours per week along with the other things you do - in order to claim Carers allowance.

I believe you are entitled. Don’t go to the back of the queue, as could happen. I know of 2 people who have managed to jump the queue who really weren’t entitled…
I was going to say you go gal,but then shouldn’t assume by your name you are female!!