Sorry you are having so many issues with your Gp, I am having similar issues, the lack of understanding of care and Social Services.
My GP had said that I am being obstructive and difficult, I should work with social services and they will help me.
After years of fighting social services I was discharged with no help or support.
I live on an estate where there are a lot of ill/disabled/elderly, unpaid carers are run ragged not just looking after their own relatives, helping friends, neighbours whose services has been cut and cut.
Surely it would make sense to prioratise support to these unpaid carers who are dealing with multiple issues/multiple carees.
But Social services insist that I am mentally ill therefore its the GP to sort it out, I am piggy in the middle.
If my Mental illness (depression and anxiety due to caring) was sorted out, then I could care 24/7/365, no breaks, no pay and Social services wouldn’t have to do anything.
The Gp just doesn’t realise the cuts that social services have done, they have cut 90 per cent of services, shopping, cleaning, cooking proper meals, emergency care, night care.
And not just Social Services, issues with the GP, disabled transport, prescriptions, house support, bills, debts, equipment issues, emotional and practical support.
And according to Social Services it is up to the GP and mental health services to sort out.
As Bowlinbun says how can you cope with the frustrations and the lack of control in your life when you are constantly left sorting out issues with no support at all, you are bound to be fed up and depressed.
I had an advocate writing to all concerned, that was years ago, still waiting for a reply, been through complaints etc got nowhere.
I have on the suggestion of another forum member been looking up other GP surgerys, one has a mental health link worker attached to the practise, another claims to help and support unpaid carers.
Your GP surgery is convenient but is it worth looking see if others are unpaid carer friendly.
There was one nice GP who did understand about caring (couldn’t do anything) but she left shortly after.
The GP should according to guidelines prioritise and make it easier for unpaid carers, should consider their health, health checks, unpaid carer help support and guidance.
I think GP surgerys are just too busy, short of staff, bogged down with red tape and regulations to have the time to think about unpaid carers.
You shouldn’t have to change GP surgerys but maybe some fresh blood, a new GP team to look at, listen and understand the issues.
I am strongly tempted to change.
Plantar Fasciitis is very painful but can be managed, foot exercises and inserts can help, can you see a private foot clinic? Mine charged me £30 , gave me a lot of info and advice, and what inserts to buy from the local chemist. Send the GP the bill.
If nothing else your local chemist might be able to advise, chemists do go through a lot of training, some inserts might be better than nothing.
It is such a load of rubbish this we have to be referred, why, we have sore feet and need to see a professional, so much paper work, red tape, form filling.
Some services we can refer ourselves to them, some the GP can’t refer, some We cannot refer ourselfs, we are dependent on a Gp that may have never met us before, who makes up these ridiculous rules?
One of my carees has an artificial limb, he was taken off the list for the local artificial limbs and appliances clinic, as he had not attended an appointment.
He had to see the GP to be rerefered to the clinic, if you have an artificial limb you need to see this clinic for life, again how ridiculous to be taken off the list. Was told its to deal with timewasters who make appointments and don’t turn up.
These people and organisations are paid millions to make our lifes more difficult.