Working whilst caring. Inspiration needed

What paid work do people do whilst caring? As far as I can tell UC and carers element isn’t worth applying for.

I was into designing and constructing out door rooms but that is no longer viable.

Ideally I would like not to be reliant on CA.

Work would I feel be therapy to deflect from caring responsibilities.

So ideas would be welcomed.

My “therapy” was a degree in Business Studies, a special course for mature students, one day at college the rest at home. Something completely different to occupy my mind.
Why is your old job no longer viable?
What would your ideal job involve?

@Mike_S I think your decision needs to be linked to what you can manage alongside your caring role.

eg how long can your caree be left? (unless they have paid carers/ attend a day service etc)

Do you need to be able to get home quickly in an emergency?

Do you need to work from home?

How many hours can you realistically work?

I work part time and took a total career change a few years ago - now work for the NHS - part time, in a role with regular hours.