Quitting work to become a carer whilst already on UC

Hi, I currently work part-time in the evenings but am thinking of stopping work to claim Carer’s Allowance instead. My partner claims PIP and both my children claim DLA and I care for all of them. My partner runs a small business and we claim UC.

Will there be any problems with UC if I quit my job to claim Carer’s Allowance? Are there any other benefit related issues I may need to know about? Finally, does it make any difference which of my family I list as whom I care for?

Thank you.

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I suggest you ring the Carers UK Helpline. I do know that anyone claiming CA should not be expected to look for work. How old are your children?

Hi Tom, lovely to meet you. My husband is claiming PIP and my son was getting DLA before I didn’t send the renewal forms in time so we’re back to drawing board and waiting, perhaps til Jan, to find out if he gets it.

I found that because our youngest is 1, saying I was the carer for my husband gets me the carers allowance - even though that’s been temporarily suspended while they check yes I was on maternity leave and unpaid and him being our sons carer means no pressure to look for work and some support.

In reality I am caring for them both as well as our baby and so it’s quite tiring and refreshing to meet someone that might understand. I’m also self-employed but freelancing for a regular contract for my headspace.

Thank you both, I’m going to contact the Helpline today for advice.
My children are aged 8 and 10 and both claim DLA, one on high rate + mobility and the other on medium rate.

weasel35, its great to hear from you. As you say, its nice to hear from someone that might understand what its like to be a carer for a whole family. I’ve been slowly reducing my work commitments over the past couple of years (I was at university before that so life was different) and have now set myself up on a zero-hours contract where I can pick up shifts for a bit of extra cash. This has certainly made our lives easier even if it makes us poorer…

Are you aware of the Family Fund? Great help to us when my son was a child.

Hi, Yes thank you. We received an award from them earlier this year for a holiday :slight_smile: