Hi all, j have been getting CA for the last couple of months but really I had been caring for my friend for well over a year. Now I have become their carer, does it mean they won’t be able to apply for SDP? Even though have been on PIP for years and that I have only ever been their carer.
Hi Robert … a reply to another poster from 5 days ago :
_What is a Severe Disability Premium**
A Severe Disability Premium is an extra amount that is included in some means-tested benefits to help with the cost of disability. It can be included in Income Support, income-related Employment & Support Allowance, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Guarantee Pension Credit and Housing Benefit; but not in Universal Credit. The Severe Disability Premium may be awarded to people who receive a qualifying benefit, these are:
Attendance Allowance (or Constant Attendance Allowance paid with Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or War Pension).
Disability Living Allowance care component at the middle or highest rate.
Personal Independence Payment daily living component.
Armed Forces Independence Payment.
To get a Severe Disability Premium (SDP), the following must also apply:
If you are single:
You must be getting a qualifying benefit, and
No one must be getting Carer’s Allowance or Carers Element of Universal Credit for looking after you, > and
You must be living alone (have no non-dependents aged 18 or over living with you for example, an adult son , daughter or parent ), unless they are also receiving a qualifying disability benefit or are registered blind)
If you are a couple:
You and your partner must be getting a qualifying benefit, and
No one must be getting Carer’s Allowance or Carers Element of Universal Credit for looking after you, and
You must be living alone (have no non-dependents living with you, unless they are also receiving a qualifying disability benefit or are registered blind), or
Someone gets Carer’s Allowance or Carers Element of Universal Credit for looking after just one of you and you satisfy the other conditions above. (then SDP is paid at a single rate).
Please note: If Carer’s Allowance is not actually payable to your carer, for example because the other benefits they receive are affected by the overlapping benefit rules, you can still qualify for the SDP.
If two people receive Carer’s Allowance for looking after you and your partner, you will not qualify for SDP.
Qualifying for a Severe Disability Premium in other situations
If you are part of a couple and your partner is registered blind, you can still qualify for SDP paid at the single rate even if your partner does not get a qualifying benefit.
Please note: Before a claim for Carer’s Allowance or Universal Credit is made advice should be sought because if a carer is paid Carer’s Allowance or Carers Element of Universal Credit it may stop the person being cared for from getting a severe disability premium (SDP) as part of their means-tested benefit. The Council Tax Support for the person being cared for can also be affected. You can use our Find an Adviser tool to find local advice.
How much Severe Disability Premium will I get?
There are two rates of Severe Disability Premium (SDP)
Single person rate £64.30 per week
Couple rate £128.60 per week
If you and your partner both get a qualifying benefit and someone gets Carer’s Allowance or Carers Element of Universal Credit for looking after you (or your partner), your SDP will be paid at the single rate £62.45._**
Hi again Chris, thank you for replying again. I am still a bit confused by the guide lines. As far as I am aware the person I care for has never received SDP even though they qualify for it. So because i have now only become their carer, if I applied for it for them, they wouldn’t now qualify is that correct? As I get the universal credit element but in doing so where I use to be entitled to 317 per month, I now only get 160 per month.
If what I am saying is correct, is the person I care for entitled to apply for SDP for the duration where I never cared for them?
Kind Regards
( As soon as a family carer comes on the scene , and claims Carers Allowance , kiss goodbye to SDP. )
A length reply on the SCOPE Community Forum will assist here :
Under the main UNIVERSAL CREDIT thread , there are 2 / 3 articles on SDP … DWP forced to look into the issue.
If neither assist , one for the CAB or Carers UK Advice Team ( Best by email ) … contact details follow :
Citizens Advice