Hi everyone, just like to tell you all of an experience we suffered lately. I get depressed sometimes looking after my lovely wife, stuck indoors all the time with my wife having to be hoisted all the time and cleaning up after accidents. Anyway, my wife agreed to o into respite for a couple of weeks for me. She went in on the Thursday, but I had to rescue her on the Sunday. I visited her during the day, on Saturday staff didn’t know of her existence, on Sunday I found her calling for help, laying in her own poo. It was gone 1 in the afternoon. I got her up and took her home. They lost her wheelchair cushion, some of her clothes and her drinking flasks. Nobody questioned me taking her. I feel so sorry for people who live there and watched them being ignored. I have reported the home to cqc await the outcome . The so called care home is in Bognor Regis. Thought I would share with you all. Trouble is it’s turned my wife off respite now. Ray.
That’s disgraceful. Please, please talk to CQC about your experiences, for the sake of others who have no alternative but to live there without a relative to fight their corner.
Raymond, what an awful experience for you both. Glad you have reported them to CQC.
A shame it has put your wife of (though very understandable,) as you still need a break. Perhaps she could just do a weekend in a different home and build it up from there? Or, have a live in care worker for week at home and you go away? There are also hotels where you can both stay and your wife could receive her care as part of the package - but this depends on whether your finances would allow for this.
When I spoke to Cqc, they said they had issues with them for a year and a half. They did an unannounced visit last Thursday so waiting to hear what they found. Ray.
We all need a break Raymond, but after seeing my Mums living conditions in the care home she was in, Mum will stay with me until I die or am no longer capable…
Mum was next door to a Lady who constantly screamed, I remember talking to Mum after closing the door and turning up the TV. Poor Mum just nodded and said she had no choice and the screaming went on all night. I raised it as a safeguarding issue, nothing was done.
Now My Mum is in the room next door to me, its hard. But I’m gonna give her a massive kiss for the time I left her in what was effectively a Cell…