I’m presently feeling overwhelmed and isolated both with my unsupported role as a carer and the benefits system in Scotland, moving from child services to adult services.
My 19yr old son has Down’s syndrome and left school end of June. The local council conducted a 30 minute interview with himself and me. Later I received a letter informing me my son was unemployable either in a paid or unpaid capacity. Devastated by such a negative response and no help being offered (due to lack of funding) I supported my son through interview and induction to enter a volunteer position with the National Trust for Scotland one day a week. He is waiting to hear if the college application for skillsbuiler2 course has been successful.
The local job centre informed me he was not entitled to employment support assistance and therefore had to apply for UNIVERSAL CREDIT! He had to provide evidence that his condition was not likely to improve. The doctor took over 2 weeks to return Statement of Fitness for Work for Social Security or Statutory Sick Pay as NOT FIT FOR WORK.
I was then advised by the job centre that this information had to be entered into the online journal prior to me taking the letter back to them for authorisation.
I’m now so snowed under that I’m wondering if he should be receiving different benefits. He receives the higher rate of PIP and prior to leaving school CHB. I was receiving Bereavement Benefit but have been advised I need to reapply for carers allowance.
Can anyone offer clear, simple advice to me?
Thanks in advance.