I get it. I just don’t want to be done for harrassment and lose mums housing rights. I’m scared I’ve been too hasty with the complaint and feeling like I’m not being listened to.
The only reason I have complained is his continuous pursuit into finding out about disrepairs and the fact that he won’t listen to the fact that someone is off sick.
He’s on a blind alley into the pursuit of going for the disrepair stuff.
I do feel terrible for the phone calls though and worry it can be seen as harassment. Then again if he picked up the phone as per his job then I wouldn’t have needed to try every couple of hours. My OCD also means I ring people twice if they don’t answer. I hate feeling like I have hurt someone though.
I’m not saying it’s right. I am just saying I found out the correct information in an hour and ever since I feel like I have been ignored expecially when he’s been told just to email another address. It takes five minutes. We’re just being treat like lowlifes who have destroyed a home despite concrete evidence otherwise.
When mum spoke to him, he didn’t listen to her either. She told him the letting agents want it in writing and they will give him the docs. But he said he was waiting on that person despite being told numerous times that she was off sick with no official return date.
I know I have been abit pushy but surely these housing officers would deal with worse things. I hate feeling like I’ve hurt someone because I have contacted them. It feels like I have almost like a triple Conscience. Then again other people would probably being shouted at assaulted that sort of thing. People on the brink of homelessness are going to be stressed. Again not saying it’s right.
I’m wondering if he doesn’t believe us, because surely someone in his position must have seen it a few times.
He’s now going to contact them again on Monday. The letting agents said they will pick up the emails to this person and go from there. I hope they will set him straight.
I do wonder how he got in touch with this person without contacting the main team by the sounds of it.
This is the problem I have the rational and irrational thoughts.
I cannot begin to tell you how frustrating the situation is. I totally get other people’s needs and stuff. I’m just saying that week in week out is constantly disheartening to see properties come and go. Every week she’s pipped at the post coming second or third, so I think “oh maybe next week” and the same happens again. The fact that on at 12am on a Thursday I’m looking to see if there is anything suitable. There has been only one week where we haven’t bidded so far, but it’s a concern that nothing will come available. It hurts and it’s dehumanising. Once bidding closes it’s then a panic for two days worrying about what will come available.
Then it’s a case of when it does come available watching the positions like a hawk. Then getting upset when it goes to second or third again. All the band A will do is just give her priority over 1 or two people and then it will be sorted and those people would be first themselves.