I heard some time ago that as family carer I have a right to be involved in my Mum’s care, which all involved sideline prefering to treat me like I’m interfering in my own Mother’s life. Is there a reference for this? Also that I’m supposed to be the named carer in charge of my Mum’s care, which yet again everyone discounts, as their attitude is that they’re not answerable to me; thus the myriad of problems that have taken place since my Mum needed care 2012 and still continue as the local authority prefer siding with the Care Agency rather than work with me.
My Mum has Dementia, which the local authority + Care Agency are aware of, yet have played us both off against one another even though I have Power of Attorney. Is there a reference that I should have a right and more to the point that my Mum has a right for me being involved? As all involved have insisted, claiming that my Mum ‘does not want you involved’ to brush me aside. There was one occassion when the Care Agency Care Manager actually asked my Mum who she wanted involved in her care, me or them - I have since been informed that should not have been asked, but as per usual they have treated my Mum’s care situation as nothing to do with me. One previous social worker actually has stated; ‘This is about your Mum, not you’. Where do these people get off? Unfortunately even all independent social workers have either been too busy to help, or they feel they can’t.
Was thinking of phoning CarersUK helpline to ask if they have someone legal that could clarify things, but when I have phoned not so easy getting through + the times I have emailed, their responses have always been in general ie contacting CAB/Age Uk…which I have done since 2012 and am more than exhausted.
All I need to know is references that I have a right to fully support my Mum as she needs and wants, as a mental capacity assessment was sent the local authority which got ignored; which stated quite clearly that my Mum wants me involved in her care and for me to deal with everything on her behalf. What gets me is how inconsiderate all ‘professionals’ are like they expect my disabled, frail and very ill Mum to deal with everything; where’s the ‘dignity + respect’ they claim to have towards my Mum?