My mum is a career and in a vulnerable age group

Thank you for reading,
I am talking about Coronavirus care
My mum cares for my sister full time, isolated in an apartment… my sister is 42 but has been psychotic for 7 years nearly all of which was spent in active horrendous alcoholism and very aggressive
She is totally non compliant
My mum is in a vulnerable age group but is the only person keeping my sister alive and the only possible carer
So:should she become unwell is there anything we can do to get my mum extra help or priority treatment as a carer. She is not registered at all and my sister is not registered at all because she is 100% non compliant

To achieve anything in the first paragraph, you have to resolve the second, or just pay someone.

Mum should not be sacrificing all normal life for your sister. As an alcoholic,sister brought this on herself. Mum should arrange for either a Social Services Needs Assessment or ask the GP to arrange for an NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessment. These are the routes to support whether or not mum is I’ll.

Hi Katie_1903. Thanks for posting in the Forum.

We understand your concerns about the coronavirus and how if could potentially affect your mum’s role as a carer for your sister. In terms of getting extra help I’d suggest contacting Carers UK’s Helpline at to explain your situation.

As you may have seen elsewhere on the Forum, Carers UK’s guidance for carers can be found here:

Wishing you and all other members well in this uncertain time


To achieve anything in the first paragraph, you have to resolve the second, or just pay someone.

Thank you. Yes that clears up a bit of what I’ve been looking at on line today.
First stop register with gp as a carer…

It’s an unusual situation… my sister is utterly incapable of life and mum is the one person willing to help to save her life
She gave up smoking and drinking 5 months ago but is still not able to do a thing because the psychosis was behind it.

Massive huge achievement and progress though she may never be well

. As an alcoholic,sister brought this on herself. Mum should arrange for either a Social Services Needs Assessment or ask the GP to arrange for an NHS Continuing Healthcare Assessment.

Sorry but you don’t know the situation and our families whys hows and choices

3 girls
All spent years in acute psychosis
Our middle sister died on leave after 2 yrs inpatient- just walking out in front of a car age 25
My sister who became alcoholic age about 13 she experienced war crimes and has so much psychosis we have no idea what is confabulation or memory or psychosis

She is utterly isolated for the past 7 yrs refuses any help and has injured herself with off the scale self harm
like our middle sister we were diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia
I also have autism and I have recovery with 14 years since a major psychosis (years as an inpatient myself)

Mum blames the lot on herself despite working as an accomplished therapist for a number of years (a calm 5 yrs)

I have lived through some huge challenges that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
When I tell people, they ask how I can still be bouncy and happy?
I’m here because I try to help others.

I have twice narrowly avoided death, and I’m grateful for every day I’m given.
I only have one life, and I believe that I’m responsible for my own happiness.

Mum sounds like she is blaming herself without cause. I cannot know what your family circumstances are, but I do know that alcohol doesn’t solve anything, and that you can’t help an alcoholic, they have to do it for themselves.

Has mum ever had any counselling or support?

Mum sounds like she is blaming herself without cause. I cannot know what your family circumstances are, but I do know that alcohol doesn’t solve anything, and that you can’t help an alcoholic, they have to do it for themselves.

Has mum ever had any counselling or support?


Mums stress levels are so extreme it can’t be explained
I think with no grandchild she feel a failure of a mum because of dna
The mum can’t be a success without further healthy generations

I agree that she cant be helped alcohol and cigs or other drugs she quit about 4 months ago but the rest is her schizophrenia which is still there

My mum has been an extremely competent theapist over our family’s 5 yrs of quiet life

I saw my key worker today who agreed she can be registered as a carer who would get priority treatment by the healthcare system if my mum gets Coronavirus 19

Hello and welcome!

The first step is to see if your mom qualifies for any counselling or therapy. Can your sister go into a alcohol treatment facility or not? Does she work? The others are right. Your mom needs help now. Ask your family doctor about a referral to some counselling or therapy for your mom.

I didn’t know that carers were going to get priority. Interesting info, thank you.

It’s so sad that Mum blames herself in some way for a crime she didn’t commit. None of us are responsible for the genes we pass on.