Looking for advice re house

Hi All

Im currently living at home with my elderly mother and 11 year old daughter, obviously not an ideal situation.

Im a self employed taxi driver and mum is currently going through challenging times with her state of mind.
She is currently waiting for a memory assesment at the memory clinic for a diagnosis ( been for first contact )
we are both fully aware of the outcome and she knows that her state of mind isnt good.

My mum is the homeowner, but i pay all the bills etc in return for, HELPING out around the house, shopping maintenence etc,
at this moment in time she can still dress herself and do all the daily living needs.

My concern is what will happen if and when she needs to go in a home ( if she does ) to our home/house as it is the family home and i (son ) and my daughter live here.

She does have saving’s over the allowed threshold but they will go in a flash in care fees.



Edited by moderator, to protect poster’s identity

Hi Paul.

The scenario as set out looks about right.

Parent moves into a care home … home at risk for fees … anyone under 60 COULD potentially be made homeless.

Green Paper Social Care … when finally announced , that ball game MAY change.

To formalize your options , I would have a word with either the CAB or SHELTER.


My mum is the homeowner, but i pay all the bills etc in return for, HELPING out around the house, shopping maintenence etc,
at this moment in time she can still dress herself and do all the daily living needs.

I assume a good old fashioned barter type arrangement ?

An equitable interest ?

One for either the CAB or SHELTER , me thinks.

Hi Paul,
Welcome to the forum and sorry to hear that your Mum may be starting on the downward slide of dementia.
I seriously suggest that you ask Citizen’s Advice or a knowledgeable solicitor re the position regarding the house, but I do have a hopeful feeling that no-one is going to make your daughter homeless. Others here might have more of a clue and give better advice.
There is, I believe, a scheme where the assets tied up in the property can be reclaimed by the LA after the death of the owner if care fees are due. (House is then sold).
I don’t know whether eventually needed, but make sure you keep all the bills you pay. Evidence possibly.
Have you got POA for Mum? If not that is an urgent consideration while she still has capacity.
My advice is get professional advice and do your research including your local LA website and all the info on this site.

How old are you?
Do you and your daughter have any ownership of anywhere else?
Is mum claiming Attendance Allowance?
Do you have Power of Attorney? - If not sort this out as a PRIORITY!
Has mum given you any share of the property? As you live with her, and are paying all the bills, please talk to a solicitor to discuss this further. (I’m in the process of giving half of my place to my son, as he lives with me and pays the bills, there are slightly different rules).

The moneyadviceservice has more information on care home fees Care home or home care? | MoneyHelper


thanks for all the replys and addvice,

much appreciated

Paul Atkinson

Your welcome.

Paul, be sure to answer my questions. Depending on your answers, there’s lots more you need to know.