Im sorry if this is an absolute ramble im just trying to get as much of my thoughts out on paper.
Im 29, so is my husband. He has had long covid and associated conditions for two years but realistically, ive only been caring for him for the last 8 months as he has deteriorated. It has been the most hellish 8 months of my life and i am so stressed i am worried i’m going to end up with a serious health condition myself.
We met when we were 16 and have been sweethearts ever since. We had our whole lives ahead of us. We’d just moved to our dream location, bought a house and were doing so well in our careers. We have a beautiful dog who we adore. He was the perfect husband; funny, sweet, caring, loving.
Now he is practically bedbound. Some days he goes to the sofa. He has extreme light sensitivity, and so we have had the lights off and the windows boarded since early November. He cannot do anything for himself other than shower once a week, dress himself and eat and drink. Every other task is mine and mine alone.
I am his sole physical support, we moved too far away for anyone to visit. His mum and sister call and are good to him but there isn’t much more genuine support. We have few visitors because he doesn’t want a risk of reinfection. I mask up at work and take various other precautions to ensure i don’t get sick. As such i don’t mingle much with others or get involved in after work activities.
I started a new job in August and have made lots of friends. Its a very fun workplace, eberyone is in the 25-35 age bracket give or take and its just been the best bit of respite from it all. I feel like i really fit in and love the organisation and its mission and would like to develop my career within it. Recently, he has urged me to go do activities or social things to give me some space, and in trying to be king asks me about how they went, but then heavily resents me for going and doing it. I then feel guilty and ashamed, and he thinks i won’t have protected from infection, or that im too normal and dont need him. It feeds a vicious cycle so i have stopped telling him about things i do, but then he gets upset that i am keeping things from him.
Recently i went to my work christmas nihht out, which i didnt want to go to but he said i had to. I got very drunk, but had a very good time and since then all i can think is how carefree my life was for those few hours and how much i miss my old self. I have started feeling extreme jealousy at the simplest of things, like someone at work made their partner (also a colleague) a sandwich, and all i could think was my husband probably will never do that. People just don’t get how easy their life is or how hard mine is.
He is obviously actively suicidal - i have stopped him twice from doing harm. Every day he talks about suicide but refuses to engage with any mental health team or take medication. He feels burdensome, ashamed and guilt that he has ruined my life too but also says some hurtful things like calling me normal in a derogatory way, criticizes me for a lot of things or making mistakes, resents me for the above things as well as if i complain its too wet outside today to take the dog out for long or complaining im too tired from work etc etc. He can fly into a rage if i appear to not be listening (im usually just so tired and burnt out). When the suicidal talk starts he says its because without him i can have a life, go on to find someone else and have kids, be normal and do normal things.
He wants to move back to our hometown, but finally for once in my life i fit in somewhere. I have friends that invite me out, i won an award at work. Ive never felt valued anywhere and i finally feel at peace with my life choices, like i belong and its literally the only thing that brings me joy or positive feelings about myself. I have no friends back home and do not want to go but i know its the absolute best thing for him to have support and family.
I am so so so burnt out. Im so tired, numb and incapable of caring physically or emotionally anymore. Since the christmas party all i can think is ‘how can i do 40 more years of this and still not be 70’. I want kids. I spoke to a male colleague (aged 35) at the party who told me about how he is scared he wont settle down in time to start a family, and on monday a different colleague passed suddenly from a heart attack who was only 46 with a young daughter which was such a shock, and both things made me realise it wont happen for me if im stuck here in this. Of course intimacy is also a large factor, i want a husband who i can connect with, physcially and emotionally and i dont really feel like i have either anymore.
I feel so horrible, so cruel, so ashamed if i give up, because i absolutely love him to pieces but i just don’t know if i can do this forever.
Im sorry this was so long, i haven’t really explained it all but i had to get it down.