I understand that the Care Act I now suspended, but that Human Rights will be respected.
A new thread on the forum says that a vulnerable pensioner was discharged from hospital, dumped at home without any proper arrangements made. She was unable to get to the toilet, wet and soiled herself.
Has this contravened the Human Rights Act?!
BB, there is link to it here Human Rights Act 1998
Age Uk have published this document on Human rights and the elderly https://www.ageuk.org.uk/documents/en-gb/for-professionals/equality-and-human-rights/older_people_human_rights__expert_series_pro.pdf?dtrk=true
This came up for learning disability https://www.hft.org.uk/resources-and-guidance/disability-rights-and-legal/human-rights-act/
No time to read properly nor brain in right place (5 hrs 51 mins disturbed sleep - neighbours) but this bit stood out,
Article 3 – freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment – is a very important right for people with learning disabilities. People with > learning disabilities > have the right to receive care and support that is dignified and respectful. A public authority must intervene if a person deliberately inflicts mental or physical harm on a person with a l> earning disability, > which includes physical and/or psychological abuse in a health or care setting. The state has a duty to protect people from such treatment and investigate allegations.
Learning disability could be exchanged for elderly/person with autism/ person with dementia/physically disabled/with mental health issues/carer …etc
Dig further in the links and you will no doubt find more both within the links and via google.
AGE UK .pdf document , BB … page 20 start of the " Human rights issues affecting older people in the UK " section.
A goldmine of information and , when compared with many postings , abuses galore !
Summed up in another section on their site :
Human rights - why they're important | Age UK
Human rights
Human rights are basic rights that belong to all of us simply because we are human. They embody key values in our society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect.
They are an important means of protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation. Most importantly, these rights give us power and enable us to speak up and to challenge poor treatment from a public authority.
Chapter and verse.
The Law and … actual practice ???
There seems to be a real conflict between the new hospital discharge rules and the Human Rights Act.
Sadly, I’m afraid that people are going to suffer greatly before this issue is taken seriously in the current crisis.
Yep … even before the new Act ???
Danger is it’s given the green light for such abuses to increase.
Even abuse reporting now goes into a very large pending tray … to be filed , as is , at sometime in the future ?