Care Act Suspended till March 2021?

I was reading this has the care act been temporarily suspended?

Hiya Pipsy, I’m not surprised to hear this. As far as I’m concerned The Care Act. has always been suspended and never been followed since it’s been in place and that’s way before COVID-19. It’s not all that’s suspended either for people with learning disabilities/autism. I had this contact from an advocacy today which makes surprising reading. ( My son was allocated an advocate in March after over a years wait.

This is what I was sent today:

( We had not heard from you since March and due to the issues that COVID 19 had raised we have closed the advocacy. However if you have new issues and require an advocate to support you as a carer please let me know and I will raise a new case. As we are unable to see your son it is not appropriate to advocate for him however we can advocate for you as his carer.)

I’m currently having a battle with yet another SW who clearly thinks she can ignore the Act and a lot more besides and tell me what to do, before she has met me or my son. When will they learn to do their jobs properly?

Hiya Bowlingbun, It seems to be a neverending story of social workers and health workers being allocated to a case and thinking they know all about it (even when they haven’t bothered to read up) Not that reading up makes a difference because 9 times out of 10 the whole of a file is a load of falsities, or it’s misleading. Normally so they can avoid at any cost their responsibilities. My son’s allocated worker (March 2020) phoned me only a few days ago as she’d been deallocated from my son’s case, having not even met him once or tried to contact to ask if he was ok during the COVID. Now my son is left on a 117 aftercare with no social worker and a ‘health team’ consisting of 2, who are as useless as chewed up toffees. But not so useless that they didn’t circulate a copy of a clinic letter to social services (which was the subject of complaint within the health system) The said clinic letter specified full details of my deceased mother’s actual (female) cancer and it was written about within this clinic letter. Plus it was full of incorrect information, including diagnosis.
I don’t think they do learn and really they do exactly what they want even more so in the disinterest of the ‘client’ they call ‘a service user’.

The cheif executive of SW wrote to me on the 16th May 2019 to reject alteration of my brothers budget because of my carers assessment conflicted with it. He stated around August 2019 a new assessment would be done. Just a few days ago the ombudsman told me the Cheif Executive new asssesment request is null and void due to a SW and her manager closing the file down without notifying us.

Now, the SW office are claiming we are refusing to coorperate when its clearly them refusing to engage. Whats worse the ombudsman is with the council and didnt read anything i sent i sent about 20 documents about my several calls, emails and personal visits.

I’m speaking to a solicitor about suing them and putting them in their place.

Social workers never consider the fact that we didn’t ask for a special needs child. Without our children they would be out of a job. We are doing our very best, they should arrange care in accordance with the Care Act, not whether they like us or not! I should be the easiest person to sort out with my background. There is no excuse for not being able to write an accurate Care Plan in 6 weeks. Can’t agree? The Act makes provision for that too. That procedure has never been followed either!
Hampshire seems to think it’s exempt!