Hospital exit

Hi my wife has been in hospital for a week after MRI showed tumour on spine , she is palliative so they are only giving her x10 doses of radiation treatment to shrink the tumour and relieve the pressure.
Now they are trying to send her home after just 3 sessions which would mean her coming back as an outpatient for 7 days in a row for remainder of treatment, this seems a bit much as her mobility is limited and the stress of appointments is always a problem , she has severe pain unless her meds are kicking in and has no use in her left arm , I feel they are unblocking her bed and subjecting her to needless discomfort and putting more strain on me.

Hi Charlie.

One answer for this one … the BIBLE on hospital discharges ( At least for England ) :

Being discharged from hospital - NHS

( Ah … the Scottish equivalent : Coming out of hospital | Care Information Scotland )

A blueprint for ALL concerned.

In short , by the book or … NO DISCHARGE !!!

If it is too much for you please don’t be afraid to tell the hospital that you can’t cope with her at home and won’t be able to bring her in for her appointments. Proper care for her needs to be in place and this includes getting her to her appointments.