Hi everyone,
My name is Jen, I have been a member for a few months but have never had the guts to post. I moved back to my childhood home in February this year as I had a very traumatic experience involving the person I was married to. I am 36 years old and we lost my Dad in 2014, since then my Mum has gone down hill, she is extremely dependant.
Both my parents were alcoholics, and my Mum still is, I am just a bit lost right now as I have so much going on in my life… but I need to be here 24/7. sorry its very random xxx
Hello Jen and welcome! It must be very, very hard for you but I am sure you will get support on here.
I have a cousin who was an alcoholic and he lost just about everything … money, home, relationship and was at rock bottom when his family found him barely recognisable. But he has been sober for many years now and doing OK but it took the whole family clubbing together to pay for him to go to rehab. His new addiction now is swimming and keep fit so it can be done.
Thank you all for your replies.
Mum is having a lot of accidents and has lost all mobility and nerve feeling, she does own her own home and is extremely reluctant to have “paid carers”.
When you say “accidents” do you mean falling over, or incontinent?Just because she doesn’t want outside carers doesn’t mean you can’t have time off!
Is she getting Attendance Allowance? This is to pay for extra help. Try having someone from a care agency to help, under the guise of helping you with laundry and cleaning. You are daughter NOT skivvy or slave!!!