Help with a possible claim?

Hi! I have been providing full time care for my mother for over 8 years now (she receives PIP and universal credit) and it’s only recently I’ve heard about the possibility of claiming Carer’s allowance/Carer’s credits. It was suggested to us a number of times by citizens advice and my employer. My concern is that I work 30 hours a week and earn well above the current £123 threshold. I have changed jobs, reduced working hours and struggled to adjust shifts and childcare arrangements (I also have 2 children) so that I am still able to provide the much needed care my mum needs and be able to earn a living.
When I have searched online I’m under the assumption that regardless of how many hours I care for her (which is above 35 hours) that I won’t be entitled to anything due to my earnings - is this the case full stop or are there other considerations? Also, what exactly are carers credits? Would I be entitled to this as I already pay NI, tax contributions and an NHS pension.
I apologies for this long post however I am struggling with the cost of some of my caring duties (ie. taking time off for mums appointments or emergencies or I’m using up the majority of my leave entitlements and trying to maintain costs with running her around or on her behalf numerous times a week) and just wanted to know if there is anything I am entitled to without having to give up my job - this is not something I want to do as my work is the only place I go to ‘get a break’ but a little help is needed now.

Hi Amy … now on my " Midnight " shift … having logged on at 7.30 this morning.

Magic figure is £ 123 per week BEFORE Carers Allowance drops off a cliff … £ 122.99 + CA , no problem.

Is possible to earn more PROVIDED THAT any excess is marshalled … most common method is through a persanal pension plan.

Elsewhere on this site , CUK have provided some guidance :


You don’t earn over £123 a week (after deductions)

If you are in paid work (including self-employment) you cannot get Carer’s Allowance if you earn more than £123 a week (after deductions).

Note: This means that if you are working 16 hours at minimum wage and are eligible for the national living wage, you will be over the earnings limit. You will need to see if you can apply any of the deductions outlined below which would mean your earnings for Carer’s Allowance purposes would be treated as being £123 a week or less.

If you are in employment and are paid a regular amount monthly, your monthly earnings are normally multiplied by 12 months to get a yearly figure and then divided by 52 weeks to get a weekly figure. However there are exceptions to this, such as if your earnings are variable. If you are in doubt about your own situation, please email us: >> .

If you are in employment and have fluctuating earnings, it is possible for your earnings to be averaged out over a recognisable cycle of work or over five weeks.

If you are in self-employment your average weekly earnings are normally calculated by looking at a specific trading period, which is normally a year. However if you have only recently started your self-employment, or if there has been a change in your circumstances, then a different period more representative of your average weekly earnings can sometimes be used.

The following amounts are deducted from your gross weekly earnings (if you are in employment) or your net profit (if you are in self-employment) before your earnings are taken into account for Carer’s Allowance:

Income Tax.

National Insurance.

half of your contributions towards an occupational/personal pension.


If you earn £125 a week (after tax and national insurance) you will not be entitled to Carer’s Allowance. However, if you put £10 a week into a pension, half of the £10 can be deducted from your earnings. Your earnings for Carer’s Allowance would therefore be £125 - £5 = £120 a week. As this is not over the earnings limit, you could claim Carer’s Allowance.

You can also deduct expenses that are incurred ‘wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the business’, in the same way that you can for income tax purposes.

If, because of your work, you have to pay for someone to look after the person you care for, or a child under 16 who you or your partner get Child Benefit for, you can deduct those payments from your earnings up to the value of half your earnings (after the above deductions if they apply). However, this will not apply if the person you are paying is a close relative of either yourself or the person you are looking after (a close relative is a spouse, partner or civil partner, parent, son, daughter, brother or sister).

Occupational or personal pensions do not count as earnings and you can be paid Carer’s Allowance in addition to these. However, if you get extra Carer’s Allowance for your partner their occupational/personal pension could affect this extra amount (some carers previously received extra benefit for their partner as part of their Carer’s Allowance - this was called the adult dependant addition but is not available for new claims).

If you do receive taxable income such as occupational or personal pensions or part-time earnings you should inform the tax office about your Carer’s Allowance, because it is a taxable benefit.

One exception to the earnings rule is that if you are working during an allowed break in care, and are still receiving Carer’s Allowance, your earnings are ignored (you can see more information on breaks in care here).

Hi Chris, I apologise that I don’t completely understand your reply. (I’m also new here and am still figuring out how it all works here :slight_smile: ) I currently do not claim anything in relation to caring or receive any other benefit other than a paid salary from my job. What do you mean by excess are marshalled? I already pay into a private pension…
I was just hoping there was “something” I’d be entitled to considering the hours I need to put into the duty

When I have searched online I’m under the assumption that regardless of how many hours I care for her (which is above 35 hours) that I won’t be entitled to anything due to my earnings - is this the case full stop or are there other considerations ?

You can only earn a maximum of £ 123 per week and still claim Carers Allowance.

Can earn a lot more and still claim CA IF you were to marshall the excess … as set out above … provided that you stay within said limit.

Practically , if you are constantly earning … say £ 200 per week … forget about CA unless you want to go down the marshalling route !

Thank you Chris, it looks like the information doesn’t help me. My earnings are still too high even if they took into consideration the deductions. It was worth asking I suppose … sob

Your welcome.

£ 123 + £ 66.15 CA = £ 189.15 per week.

Still leaves anyone … if single … some £ 30 per week BELOW the Official Poverty Line … more if adding the income of their caree , assuming a standard rate of benefits /
allowances … EXCLUDING the Housing Allowance / Benefit factor !


The new research suggests the minimum household budget necessary for an average couple with two young children (excluding rent and childcare) is £480 a week.

For a single parent with two young children it is £490 a week.

A single person is deemed to need £214 a week and a pensioner couple £302 a week.

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