Grants for furniture

Hi, I’m newish here (not posted/commented much) and have a question about grants for essential things - our bed broke, literally, a few weeks back, after some 15 years. I’d looked at Turn2Us for the list of grants but couldn’t find anything suitable, any advice would be really appreciated. (We don’t need a specialist bed, just a regular one, with a good mattress.) Thanks in advance!

Hi LiliD,

I only know of the family fund which is for families with disabled children. However, if you email the helpline they may be able to advise;

you can contact our Helpline service by emailing at any time.

Also, councils and social care can make one off payments /have a hardship fund - so be sure to include your address/area in the email too.

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thanks for this, melly1, good idea about the council hardship funds, forgot about that

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Not sure which area you are in? We have a Nextdoor in my area plus a Facebook group called Freebay and various other local groups. Sometimes if you post an appeal, someone will be able to gift you a bed? In one case I read recently, the person gifting was moving to Spain so was quite happy to gift the bed. Worth a try?

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If your mattress is still OK it might be worth investigating your local British Heart Foundation furniture shop. Ours has a good selection of bed bases and mattresses (some brand new) for a fraction of the price.

It might also be worthwhile contacting the Salvation Army - ours often supply essentials items of furniture (although usually 2nd hand) to families that need them.

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we’re in southwark, will definitely check the fb and nextdoor thing, thank you

the mattress is as old as the bed, so could do with a new one tbh but will definitely check out the bhf and salvation army