I’ve been my father’s carer since 2013. I’ve only been in receipt of Carer’s Allowance since summer 2018.
So, I was on jobseeker’s allowance before that.
I feel more than ready to return to work and would love to work in NHS administration.
However, as long-term unemployed, I would really appreciate any advice and guidance from anyone on here as regards returning to work eg CVs, computer skills.
I know as a carer, we multi-task and acquire diverse skills and experience. How do we sell ourselves to a potential employer?
Are there any employment agencies or employers that employ carers returning to work?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I can’t really answer your questions, but there must be other forum members who have returned to work after caring.
I think the tough bit is your CV as it will have a big gap and getting references. One way to get references is to do voluntary work for a bit or work for an agency.
Do you claim universal credit? If so, you should have a job coach who is your gateway to getting on courses etc
@Kevin_2109 Hi, I hope you’re managing ok. Here’s the CarersUK article about returning to work: Thinking of returning to work? | Carers UK
In addition to that info, it would be good to set up a Linkedin account - this is the website for professionals. Everyone fills in details to ‘publish’ their skills and experience. However, I’d suggest only writing basic details and leveraging the online free resources for CV writing: (not sure if you can open this article without an account - from this one you can see links to other articles: How to Write a Resume That Will Actually Get a Recruiter's Attention)
Linkedin is probably aimed more at office roles, but there is a job search function and these days there are hybrid or remote work-options.
Take a look at the CarersUK article as a starting point. Carers UK works with employers to make them more ‘carer confident’ from what I’ve read there are many employers partnering with CarersUK - Support for employers | Carers UK so I assume they do support carers in their workforces and potentially hiring.
Good luck! Keep us posted and repost if you have other Qs.
Here’s the NHS website for job searches: NHS Jobs
Thanks Victoria, I’m going to look into your suggestions in due course.
I am going to remain as my father’s carer whatever happens.
Have a nice weekend, Kevin
Hi, I have been working in an admin role in NHS for last two months. Tiring but interesting work. Thanks for your encouragement. I was lucky that someone in a job agency really pushed for me to get a start.
Just to let you know
Congrats @Kevin_2109 ! Thanks for your update
It’s good to hear you had support from the job agency. Best wishes to you and your Father