Does anyone know how long you need to be a resident of a district to apply to that local authority? For example moving home from one authority to another for housing needs. I assume you would be to be reassessed at your new home and district for services?
Have a look at the 2014 Care Act Regulations. I know it says in there somewhere that the new authority should provide the same level of care as the old authority until such time as they have done their own assessment.
Yeah someone at the care agency in the know told me you get temporary direct payments until the new one is setup and according to your previous financial assessment as they take 6-12 months to sort out the new application.
He was getting direct payment option 2 fully managed by the council for 4 years until requesting change they have closed his file for over a year? So how would a new authority deal with that? He currently gets nothing from the council!
Also, if your successful with the ombudsman do they backdate your payments from when they were ceased?