Direct Payment Assessment New Company

Hello I hope you can help me, my local council has changed how they do assessments to a company called Liquid Partners. They use a telephone conversation to assess the amount of my personal contribution, I last had an assessment by the council in april this year but have since had another assessment in November this year, I thought they were yearly assessments and also my contribution in November has increased by £30 a week backdated to my April assessment plus they want me to pay £2000 in over payments as well. Has anyone heard of Liquid partners and are they within their rights to do this. It is worrying me to death I am 80 years old looking after a disabled husband and I dont need this worry at my time of life, thanks

Hi @razza Welcome to the Forum and I am so sorry to read your story.

I don’t have direct knowledge, but would suggest you contact the CarersUK helpline for advice and help - it’s confidential and they are experts. If you wish, you can email the details of your query so they can do some research and get back to you with definitive answers.

Carers UK information and support

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Thank you so much - knowing this service exists during such a stressful time is phenomenal."

(Email Helpline service)

About our Helpline

We provide information and guidance to unpaid carers. This covers a range of subjects including:

  • benefits and financial support
  • your rights as a carer in the workplace
  • carers’ assessments and how to get support in your caring role
  • services available to carers and the people you care for
  • how to complain effectively and challenge decisions.

If you feel you need help in these areas, or want to ask a question that might be helpful to you with your caring, please get in touch. We’re not always able to provide the same level of specialist information and support by telephone as we can by email, so if we’re unable to help you in this way over the phone, we will tell you about other ways to get this support including guiding you towards other services and organisations that can offer support.

Please note, we’re often confused with the Carer’s Allowance Unit of the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), who administer and pay Carer’s Allowance. We can help answer questions about Carer’s Allowance. However, because we are in no way linked to the DWP, we cannot update any details/circumstances that relate to your personal Carer’s Allowance claim or access your benefit claim file to see if your benefit has been paid.

In Hampshire it has to be a face to face meeting with someone well versed in financial matters.
A provisional written result is given at that time.
I believe they cannot backdate assessments.
It’s up to the council to follow the rules and do them in a timely fashion.
Not sure where to find the rules right now, someone else here will know.
What basis did they give for the increase?
Carers UK has a confidential helpline with trained advisors. Contact them.