Covid Vaccine

Hi everyone I’m new on here and looking for advice. I live in Scotland and look after my mum. Before all of this happened i stayed in Glasgow but my GP was in Paisley where my mum lives as it was easier for me as it was in Paisley most of the time. My carers allowance letters have my Glasgow address on them. Now they say carers can get the vaccine I’m worried i may miss out as i have been staying with my mum since last year as i didn’t want to put her health at risk as i live in a house with other people. As the carers allowance has the Glasgow address would it be there that would get the appointment for the vaccine or would the Health-board go by my GP which is in Paisley. Im hoping someone can clear this up as I’m confused. I did think i would get the vaccine here as I’m Asthmatic but i now see that they are now no longer on the priority list.

You will receive an invite for your vaccination either by snail mail, by email, or by text message, possibly all three.

Obviously any or all of those can only go to the addresses that are available to your GP or the NHS.

It may be a different system in Scotland, but the fact remains that no-one can get in touch with you if they don’t have your current contact details.

Thanks for the reply. Both the GP and health board have my mums address so I’m guessing this will be ok, I heard it was the health board and they send my hospital appointments and letters to the Paisley address so they know this is where to reach me.