I am hoping this is the right place to get some specific help, as I find myself in quite a complicated situation regarding the care and serving the best interests of another.
My name is ‘P’ for now, as I am a bit reticent to give away any personal or identifying information in case somehow it reveals any details about whom I am talking about.
I’ve been living with 2 flatmates in private accommodation, one of which for 6 months that I now consider a friend, and I care very deeply for their well-being and happiness.
The person in question has been taken to hospital and sectioned after the last Crisis Team visit ended up in them deciding to call the paramedics and an ambulance, I previously attended their first admittance to hospital about a month ago, also via ambulance. I have seen how my flatmate has been from first admittance, discharge, the ups and downs, and the return to crisis and second admittance to another hospital very recently. I have also been the only contact they have had with both the local authority crisis services and the hospital due to no-one else being specified by them or available.
We suspect my flatmate has been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, with delusions both visual and aural. They are currently in hospital under section as we speak, and I am worried. They are in a top hospital with the best staff and facilities available but I don’t know what I can do to help as there are several issues which I have written a letter about which has supposedly been placed on my flatmates medical file after I had a quick word with the ward nurse in charge of the ward they are on.
- My flatmates next of kin (single parent), is based in another country, does not speak English, and I do not have any contact details for them. I believe the consulate is trying to contact the hospital to get them in touch with each other, but due to my flatmates symptoms, they do not trust me, hospital staff, or their own parent and have refused to have any contact noted on their medical record. I am the only contact as I was asked for by both crisis services and the hospital senior nurse and I want to help them if I can.
I am not a carer, nor a family member or partner, my role has mainly been liaising directly with Crisis Services, and paramedics since they had been unresponsive and uncommunicative with anyone, just their flatmate and (at least in my mind), a friend, who has been trying to make sure they are safe and have some kind of social interaction however minimal \ suitable. I am convinced I am the only friend they have right now that knows their condition and how they has been for the past month especially, and even knows where they are and visits them. The only other people they have contact with are nurses, doctors, special nurses, and hopefully by now their neurologists.
2) I don’t know what to do about arranging benefits (housing benefit) for them to cover their rent for as long as possible until it is determined how long they will have to stay in hospital or other specialist facility for, my flatmate and I along with another person rent from a private landlord, my flatmate I am guessing has at least a months worth of rent arrears ongoing on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Again, due to the presenting symptoms, my flatmate doesn’t trust me, and eyes me with suspicion along with everyone else, they are not in a state where I can find forms for them and simply present them to them to complete, they are constantly in a state of confusion and paranoia, practical concerns back in the ‘real world’ don’t seem a primary concern right now (perhaps unavoidably), but someone needs to worry about these things for them and I am not sure how to do it, or who is responsible at the hospital for ‘non-medical’ concerns. I have no power of attorney or rights, I am just a flatmate and friend. I can barely afford to cover my own rent, if I could, I would just pay theirs for however long it takes, but that is not an option at the moment.
The same goes for dealing with their employment, they have had a job for over a year now (not sure how long, possibly longer), they are not in contact with their work, but I have been, they are likely to be given a job back when they are better and are capable of taking up work if and when they are discharged from hospital. Is it up to the hospital to let their work know what is going on? Is it me? Do I have any right to?
I am scared I am going to lose them to the ‘system’, and that at some point I won’t be informed if they are moved and won’t know where they are or be able to get in contact them so I can visit them and they will be dealing with everything alone, both during treatment and whatever happens after, and I may completely lose touch with them since I cannot contact them directly beyond visits to the hospital. They have cut themselves off from their other friends, their family, everyone, I am only involved because I’ve been ‘managing’ this situation for the past month, and have been trying to keep them safe, liaising with Crisis Services and medical professionals (that, and I care about them). I am not privy to the official medical details since I am not next of kin, family, or their partner, however I know the broad details of what may have caused the crisis both in the personal details my flatmate had told me over the months and recently, including personal events and medical issues told in confidence. In fact, it was only my suggestion that the Crisis Team cross-reference my flatmates behaviour with pre-existing medical conditions, it seemed it wasn’t even on their case notes and no-one had bothered considering one could possibly be related to the other. I am worried that my flatmate needs some kind of person to fight their corner beyond the medical decisions, and have someone that knows them personally.
My flatmate needs an advocate to worry about the things they cannot deal with right now, they have no other contact on record, no other friends they can or will reach out to due to existing symptoms, no-one to fight for them. Ultimately, no-matter what happens, they will need a friend, whether they like it or not right now, someone to support them and be there for them, even just to be there and sit in companionable silence if that is all that can be handled right now, and to assist them with things once they hopefully become better or at least manage their symptoms and have to (likely) start their life anew, until such a time as I am not necessary and they can pick and choose their friends and the people that care about them of their own free will beyond the confusion and paranoia.
So… apologies for the long introductory post, thoughts about my flatmate and what they are going through have been on my mind for well over a month now when their life seemed to start crashing down around them, and the stress and upset is starting to get to me, their pain is my pain. I’ve been doing all I can to research on various conditions, how to talk to them without upsetting them, and what to do about practical financial concerns etc, but I need your help, do I have any right to get \ be involved? Is there anything I can do for them even if they cannot deal with thinking clearly more than 5 seconds at a time and without their consent? Is there someone from the hospital \ government \ charitable NGO that can be an advocate for them if I am legally not allowed to? I am not convinced the hospital is inclined to or equipped to worry about non medical concerns. While my flatmate getting better is of course the highest priority, I need to worry about their life and future, since it appears they have no-one else to do so while they are unable to.
Maybe I am overstepping my remit, and should just let the situation take it’s course, things could get better, get managed, or they could be under some kind of hospital \ specialist facility care for months, or even years, we don’t know yet, but I would like to be at their side to support them, so they know they are not on their own, and they have someone to fight by them who won’t leave and won’t give up until such a time as they can make the decision as to whether I am needed or not. I am convinced that no-matter what happens, they will need a friend regardless of what the future holds.
Thank You for taking the time to read,