Hello everyone, I’m new to CarersUK and this is my first post. I’m hoping to get some advice if anyone can help please. Currently I am official carer to my dad who is 81 and suffers from two different types of cancer, is blind, and is also on dialysis. I receive Carers allowance and a little bit of Income support. Unfortunately we know of course that at his age and with all his problems he wont be with us for ever. Thing is, I find that I’m not only caring for dad but I’m having to do more and more for mum too (at 79 she also suffers from health issues and is entitled to have a carer) don’t get me wrong she is not as poorly as dad and I am managing OK doing things for both of them, but I can see that when anything happens to dad i’ll most likely become official carer to mum. I know I cant Claim Carers allowance for two people at the same time but I was wondering if I should (if its even possible) register as mum’s carer too right now? so that when dad does finally leave us it might make it easier for me benefits wise (i couldn’t afford to be weeks and weeks without any money coming in) to become mum’s carer. So basically I need to know how to move from being dads carer to mum’s with the least upset to my benefits when dad passes away. I know that may sound a bit cold but it’s frightening not knowing whats around the corner. Any help/advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank You
Welcome to the forum,
I can’t answer your question I’m afraid, however I’m concerned that you don’t mention getting any help with caring for your parents. What sort of support they should be getting depends on a number of things. The last question is really the most important one!
When did they each have a Needs Assessment from Social Services, and you, a Carers Assessment?
Do you have Power of Attorney for each of them. If not, arrange this asap!
Do they have over £46,000 between them, or £23,000 each? (yes/no)
Do they own their home?
Do you live with them?
Hi Ilsonland … welcome to the canteen.
Purely on the potential change in the identity of the caree , best to bounce off the DWP … " As a change in circumstances
but … not quite " … now for them to recommend the best way forward WITHOUT any hiccups with the payment of carers
On the benefits front , all currently available being claimed … by you and your parents ?
Link to an online benefits calculator follows … treat it as a financial mot :
Universal credit rolled out on your manor ?
If not all benefits are currently not being claimed , UC may enter the equation.
Upto date Needs / Carer Assessments done through your local LA.
Your abode … all buttoned down from the financial aspect … assuming a care home might be on the cards at a future point ?
Ownership … may well be a consideration when looking ahead … owner occupied / social / btl ?
Financial resources … care home considerations again … and the magic figure of £ 23,000 ?
Wills / Power of Attorney … considerations … already done ?
Parents health … right type of care … CHC / NHS Continuing Healthcare / NHS Nursing Funded Care … considered ?
More on any of the above … just yell and we’ll do our best to answer any questions.
Hello and welcome to carersuk.
As you know you can only claim Carers allowance for one person. But there is something you can do now that will save a lot of time and bother if your mum outlives your dad. Get mum to claim Attendance Allowance. This is NOT means tested and is for those over 65 years old. Attendance Allowance is about your mums needs and takes a long time to complete. There are about 50 questions to answer. If your mum is already claiming Attendance Allowance then there is nothing more you can do regarding your Carers Allowance. BUT when your dad passes away you can immediately claim Carers allowance for your Mum and yes you will have to wait a few weeks BUT your Carers allowance will be backdated accordingly. So you won’t miss out at all. Hope this helps. You are wise to think of the future.
Thank you to all who have answered so far. It really does make a difference to know people care 
Your welcome.
The name of the game on this forum.
Outside of which … ???
Carers care … but who cares for the carer ?