Carer's allowance whilst both getting pip

:smiley: :smiley: Hi all this is just a quick question I hope, me and my wife are both on esa I know only one of us is entitled to claim but also we are both getting pip daily living allowance.
Question us can i claim carer’s for looking after my wife as I have to on top of my problems

Having signed up for Universal Credit and spent 18 months looking for work, my ‘job coach’ suggested I apply for Carer’s Allowance, as my partner is receiving P.I.P., registered disabled, requires my assistance throughout the day (and night) and I am therefore a full-time, unpaid carer.
I was doubtful. We already received joint UC, P.I.P. etc and I had been doing what I do as a Carer for several years. Yet it had never occurred to me that I might be eligible despite it even costing me my last job.
As it turned out I applied as Carer for my sister-in-law, who came to live with us while fighting stage 4 Cancer.
i have only just recently advised UC that I wish to now claim continued Carers Allowance as Carer to my partner, and wait to see. In theory there should no problem.
My point (finally!) I guess, is that yes, I believe you are eligible to claim. It has no connection to your PIP, as I believe that it is not means-tested. If you meet the criteria, you should claim for it.

Richard, we have had forum members before who have caring responsibilities despite their own disability that have claimed Carer’s Allowance successfully.

MoBubble - that is so typical of UC - they have no understanding of Carers, those with a disability etc. They should have suggested this straight away,


f you are providing 35 or more hours per week of care for someone who gets the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP), the middle or high rate care component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance or Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP), you will be placed in the ‘no work-related requirements’ group. You won’t be expected to do any activities through the jobcentre and you won’t have a work coach. You won’t be expected to look for work

I would seek advice about this from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau or Carers Uk helpline.
