Carers Allowance & Council Tax Support

Good Afternoon

I am new to this forum so please forgive me if the answer has been posted elsewhere.

I am looking into applying for Carers Allowance. I look after my mother who receives both higher rates of PIP. We currently receive full council tax benefit (and received this benefit in full time employment)

I have recently been made redundant and have just successfully applied for Universal Credit.

I have read that applying for Carers Allowance may impact the Council Tax benefit and this has made me reluctant to apply for Carers Allowance as this would further impact our income.

I would welcome any guidance or comments from anyone who may have experienced a situation similar to ours.

Thank You

Hi Ashley.

Sounds like a bugle call for an online benefits calculator … a perfect " What if " scenario :

Crunch some numbers … what do they reveal ?

Feel free to bounce any of those numbers … or ambiguities … off us here on the forum.

Tell us a bit more about mum, money might be available from a different place.
Age? Disability?

Tell us more about mum? Does she have a cognitive or physical impairment? How old is she?


My mother is 68 years old.

She has osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, 2 broken vertebrae in her back, a shredded spinal column and diabetes.

Has also had a shoulder and knee replaced.

Kind Regards


Hi Ashley, thanks for the extra information.
How old are you? I’m concerned that you still need a life away from caring?
My mum had something called DISH, Diffuse Ideopatic Spinal Hyperostosis, which most people haven’t heard of, but having looked up spinal stenosis, many of the symptoms are very similar.
Mum had, in total, three knee replacements on one knee, and was told she needed a shoulder replacement, but wasn’t medically fit enough, she ended up being permanently bent double, which caused further complications, and she fell so much because the spine compressed the nerves to her legs that she was ordered never to try to walk again. She died at 87, but her last year was spent in a nursing home, too frail to stay at home.
How much can you mum currently do for herself? Is she able to bathe herself? Walk short distances?
Does mum have over £23,000 in savings?
If so, be sure to ask Social Services to do a Needs Assessment.
You should have a Carers Assessment from Social Services too.
Do you have your own home, or live with mum full time?
Does mum own, or rent her home?
Is it disabled friendly? Does she have a walk in shower, or a rise/fall bath seat, for example?
Does she have a really comfortable recliner?
An emergency pendant alarm, so she can get emergency help if you are out and about?
Whilst I understand you want to care for mum, at some time your caring days are going to end, before you are entitled to your pension. It’s really important to consider this now, not when it actually happens.
Do you have Power of Attorney? This will be vital as mum gets older, sort it out asap.

I’m so sorry for your loss but Thank You for your openness.

I am 48 years old.

We applied for a Disability Facilities Grant and have been able to get a stair lift and walk in shower fitted.

Mum can walk short distances with the aid of a crutch but uses a walker or mobility scooter for lengthier distances.

I live full time with Mum in a home that is her own and fully paid for.

Savings considerably below the £23,000 you mention

Well done for getting a Disabled Facilities Grant.

As mum has under £23,000 she may be able to get some help from Social Services.
First step is to have a Needs Assessment, to see what she needs help with.
I’m sure she will say that she manages nicely with your help and doesn’t need anything else, but they should do an assessment to see what she would need help with if you were not there to help.
If you want to find work, then they should provide extra support to make that possible. Ask for a Carers Assessment to start with.
Good that it’s her own home, paid for, rather than a rented property.
If you don’t have any brothers or sisters, talk to a solicitor about mum giving you part of the property, especially if you live in an area where the home is worth more than about £325,000, so you don’t get clobbered by Inheritance Tax. I live in the New Forest, where property has rocketed in value!

Thank You so much for your help and guidance

Ashley, as we are all carers, we so understand the challenges. Come back whenever you like.

Hi Ashley, What I would do is ask at your Council one stop shop about the council tax. Where I live carers are disregarded for council tax purposes. So they don’t have to pay anything. I don’t know if all councils operate the same, so you are best asking them.
Also regarding homes and inheritance tax this has changed and theres an additional allowance now called the main residence nil rate band.Just google it if you want more details.