Hi I am a newbie here, I’m looking for help and advice, I currently claim pip standard rate care for myself and don’t claim any other benefits or work, my mum is getting attendance allowance and was receiving unpaid care from family members, but since covid my mum needs extra care and help, I was wondering can I claim being a carer for my mum without the dwp reviewing my pip claim (I get standard rate care £59 approx a week)? Also does this impact on council tax benefit my mum receives?
Thanks for taking the time to read my post, I hope someone can help thanks
from the article…
Does Carer’s Allowance affect PIP?
Carer’s Allowance can affect other benefits you receive, but PIP is not one of them.
PIP can be paid regardless of your income, savings or National Insurance contribution record and is a tax-free benefit.
You can get PIP even if you are working or studying.
When you claim Carer’s Allowance, the person you care for will stop getting:
a severe disability premium paid with their benefits
an extra amount for severe disability paid with Pension Credit, if they get one
They might also stop getting reduced Council Tax. You should contact their local council to find out if this affects them.
There are no restrictions on how you can spend your PIP money, and you do not have to spend it on paying for the care that you need.
However, your local council can take PIP payments into account when calculating how much you might need to pay for any care services.
During the coronavirus pandemic, you do not need to attend a face-to-face assessment meeting or health check.
What’s more, during the pandemic, providing emotional support to someone with a disability now counts towards the hours of care you list.
Your could also contact Citizen Advice and/or Carers UK helpline.
You could also do an online benefits calculation.
Sunny, Thanks for the reply
Hello Craig
Welcome to the forum
I’d suggest you ring our helpline on 0808 808 7777 Mon- Fri 9am - 6pm and they’ll be able to tell you what you can expect in terms of benefits .
It might also be helpful to download our ‘Looking after someone’ guide from our support page and check what kind of practical help you’re entitled to.
Information and advice for carers on benefits, assessments, getting help, health, work and technology.
Best wishes
Ingrid, Thank you I will phone later on today or tomorrow, thanks very much, that is nice of you.
Kind regards